How many more?

Another victim of cultural “enrichment”

Gates of Vienna-

A comment under the article from Seneca III ,who I hope doesn’t mind me re-posting here-

“Every father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt and cousin in Europe, the UK the US and throughout the rest of the Euro-Anglosphere should pause for a moment and consider this:

“Imagine that poor child’s fear, pain desperation and disbelief as she bled to death in broad daylight in the middle of a modern city, and also the similar fate of the many others who have been raped and tortured unto death alone and unheeded, then ask yourselves who will be next if I do nothing but protest and hope it will not happen to me or mine.”

It will if you do not rise up and take violent action now, first against your own who enable this and then against the barbarian horde, then it will happen to you and yours time and time again and it will happen sooner rather than later for it is the way of Islam and Africa down all the centuries and they will not change now no matter how much Danegeld you throw at them.

And above all things understand this – at the moment you are many, and they are few, but that ratio will not sustain for much longer”

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5 Responses to How many more?

  1. KG says:

    It’s almost certain Seneca III won’t mind at all, Darin. Great post, both in GOV and here.
    It should be tattooed on the forehead of every idiot “diversity” and open-borders fan.

    • Darin says:

      It’s beyond bizzare,the number of innocents raped and murdered must be in the tens of thousands by now across Europe and the UK and these fools sit by and pontificate on the supposed need for “diversity”while labeling anyone who disagrees a racist.

      • KG says:

        The idiots are the mere tools of the open borders/globalist vermin and they’re too uninformed to see that.
        In this country, we see nothing about the substantive issues in the media, no intelligent debate. “Diversity” sure as hell doesn’t mean diversity of opinion.

    • Pascal says:


      “should be tattooed on the forehead of every idiot”