JBP Caves In SJW Claim They’re Defending Downtrodden

This was too good a segment (and it was difficult to decide where make the break) not to share.

Peterson’s utter denuding of the Left’s pretenses to being the champion of transgenders or any other “under-protected” group is buried in the middle of this very long interview.

As far as I can tell the short segment highlighted here has not been separated out elsewhere.

Without doubt, Peterson is is unmatched by anyone on the right for his combination of knowledge and reaction time. And yet he definitely is not a member of the Right as we know it.

Until such time that he lets his growing reputation take over his ego and he turns against us openly, I back him.

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4 Responses to JBP Caves In SJW Claim They’re Defending Downtrodden

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    Wasn’t sure where this belonged other than in the trash can (the paper being evaluated that is). A thread about SJW seemed the most appropriate. You can’t make this shit up!


  2. KG says:

    ‘Publishing giant Penguin Random House has announced that its authors are no longer to be chosen on literary merit but according to a politically correct quota system “taking into account ethnicity, gender, sexuality, social mobility and disability”.’
