Tommy Robinson in fear for his life

This is a defacto death sentence and I pray it isn’t carried out,but if it is,then the next step for patriots is natural justice.

Tommy Robinson Fears For His Life After Being Moved to Heavily Muslim-Populated Prison

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37 Responses to Tommy Robinson in fear for his life

  1. KG says:

    It would be interesting to find out what measures are being taken – if any – by the prison administration to protect him.
    If his wife and kids are killed by muzzfilth that would have the same chilling effect on dissent as Tommy’s judicial murder. How much specialised police protection do they have?

  2. Pascal says:

    The upshot so far is that I haven’t heard anyone refer to the UK as a soft nanny police-state recently as their gloves are off and the mask is dropping.

    It’s not likely to change until they meet hard resistance. Their prods get bolder with each passing episode that finds none.

    • KG says:

      ‘Their prods get bolder with each passing episode that finds none.’
      An effective resistance needs to carefully define the real targets – the real centres of influence and power – and direct its energies accordingly.
      Pushing back against an amorphous leftard rabble is a waste of time and certainly not “hard resistance”.
      Hard resistance is when the Establishment’s family members begin to be at real risk of harm.They’re the elbows, groin and throat.

  3. Grog says:

    If anything happens to him or his family, it’s my guess that Downing Street will realize they underestimated how much respect Tommy has when the response gets rolling.

  4. KG says:

    Until the protests cost the life of a judge or a politician nothing will change.

    • Ronbo says:

      I think that is exactly what will happen in time if Tommy Robinson is murdered on the orders of the British ruling class – and I think these elites have underestimated the rebellious British “Deplorables” in the same way our American Establishment underestimated the Tea Party Rebellion in 2009.

      The British Leftists and Islamists have a wolf by the ears – and their grip is not all that good.

  5. Brown says:

    The level of visible discontent over what has happened to Tommy so far would make anyone with half a brain tread very carefully but history is littered with the corpses of powerful but fundamentally stupid people so anything is possible.

  6. Odakyu-sen says:

    Rory Stewart is the UK Minister of State at the Ministry of Justice with responsibility for prisons, probation and sentencing.
    His photo does not fill me with confidence.

  7. simpleton1 says:

    I heard there was a secret “court”
    Where journalists weren’t allowed to report
    But you don’t really care, for freedom, do ya?
    It goes like this with out the 5th
    The gavel falls and they cuff your wrists
    It is not ok, but this is, how they rule ya.

    How they rule ya (x4)

    Tommy has been, here before
    He’s seen this room and he has walked this floor
    Last time they tried to kill him, but he endured ya
    They need the votes for the growing state
    And won’t stop, who their voters rape
    And it is not ok that this is how they rule ya

    How they rule ya (x4)

    There was a time the press let you know
    Who’s really coming to your shores
    But now they never tell the story, true, yeah
    The Press [state] tries to say “Tommy has racial hate”
    But really it is a fear of a caliphate
    And they don’t care state says “No this is how we rule ya”
    [The state says “No Take it, that is how we rule ya”]

    How they rule ya (x4)

    Pedophiles are liberated [celebrated]
    While Tommy Robinson is incarcerated.
    But you never really care for children, do ya?
    The grooming gangs will dare on you [move in on you]
    and the kids look to you for truth
    Please don’t say
    “Baby this is now how they rule ya”

    How they rule ya (x4)

    There are a few versions, and I have put some alternative lyrics in [-..-]

    Get this printed up,,
    A great moving peaceful protest song ! !

    • Pascal says:

      Simpleton, KG brought me back to my senses.

      The lyrics fitted to the tune Hallelujah is done well enough. But it is an elegy. A tune designed to evoke sadness and nostalgia. Other examples are Auld Lang Syne, Sibelius’ Valse Triste and most familiar to military, Taps. There is a time and place for elegies; this is not one of them.

      While we may mourn the destruction of the West and of English Common Law in Tommy’s case, it’s not over yet. Tommy himself might be pissed at us for mourning his passing instead of being super-pissed, especially since he’s not murdered yet.

      Underscoring KG’s point, we should be firing up to fight rather than wailing in our beer.

      The enemy knows too well we tend to the latter with just a little push. So I withdraw my endorsement of this “how they rule ya.” It’s good but inappropriate for those who love the dream that is the West.

      The following segment is known to make grown men cry even after repeated viewings, and they may even detest cats but can’t help themselves. Let this serve as a lesson as to why to avoid this remake of Leonard Cohen’s classic.

      Note: from past experience this video will not stay up long. The Italian communist cartoon-maker is jealous of his copyright.

  8. simpleton1 says:

    I am sure that we all know people who should have this as their signature song, as the ones that will miss Ali.

    A black comedic song, with the harsh grim truths of what is changing in the UK.
    A straight message of living and the future with “Ali”
    Living Next Door To Ali – Parody Song (joke) 3m. 33 sec

    Still there is a laugh in it

    • Ronbo says:

      “When peaceful changes becomes impossible, violent change becomes inevitable.” – John F. Kennedy

      The British ruling class and their Muslim allies think the Tommy Robinson Affair is just the business of oppression as usual and soon forgotten by the serfs – But I think like Custer at the Little Big Horn they will wonder where the hell all those Indians came from with murder in their eyes and repeating rifles in their hands.

      The Saxons have begun to hate…

  9. fish153 says:

    shocking…..beyond belief….

  10. Ronbo says:

    “I wish you hadn’t used that analogy. The Indians won that one battle but lost the war.”

    Yeah, but they got Custer and ended his presidential career before it got started!

    Can you imagine President Custer in 1881?

    World War I would have started much earlier and the whole country would have been massacred!

    • Pascal says:

      LOL. Good point.

      • Ronbo says:

        Pascal: Did you see Trump’s snap decision this morning to give an interview to “Fox and Friends” in the White House driveway? It’s 30 minutes long and you can watch the 30 minute video at the Fox website. Trump showed his absolute contempt for the Leftist Media by saying nothing to them and giving the interview to Fox. Beautiful! I just love it when the Media Scum gets kicked in the teeth!

        Prediction: Trump will pardon Manaford and Flynn soon.

  11. KG says:

    ‘Muslim Activist Who Beat Policeman at Tommy Robinson Rally Spared Prison 
(Robinson Still Locked Up)’

    • Darin says:

      Unf–king real :evil:

      • Pascal says:

        Quite consistent though. I long ago observed that the refusal to punish murderers in a manner fitting for their crime was because however unlikely it may have seemed at the time, the state could be viewing them as unofficial agents. A great many now are viewing the criminal muslim in the same manner. Unfortunately for the UK subject, they permitted the state to disarm them first, and indeed punish them for defending themselves from the unofficial agents in any manner whatsoever.

        Another observation from economics works in this too. Tax and regulate and criminalize behavior the state disfavors, and subsidize and protect behavior it favors.

        See? Consistent.

        • Ronbo says:

          It would appear on this side of the Pond, the ruling class D.C. swamp creatures have created a two tier system of justice: If you happen to be Paul Manafort – the former campaign manager of Trump and stalwart Republican – you’re locked up in prison despite making bail and facing life in prison for not reporting contacts with foreign businessmen (which is like a cop writing out tickets for drivers at the Indy 500) –

          However, if you’re a flying Democrat like Hillary Clinton you can accept million bribes by way of your Clinton Foundation – and you’re free as a bird!

          This is tyranny straight up on both sides on the Pond.

          • Pascal says:

            Exactly. Disregard all they say and watch everything they do. Consistency matters. And wherever actions look inconsistent, figure that something is yet unknown.

  12. Ronbo says:

    Meanwhile, In Africa, Asia and on islands in the Pacific, the U.S. Armed Forces and those special operators of her Allies – the British, French and Australians mainly – wage a merciless Crusader style war on the hated Hajis (the Islamic terrorists) using the best in high technology to terminate their miserable existence with prejudice and superior firepower.

    A pity so many of our spineless politicians can offer the Hajis enough appeasement – we need the Crusader spirit of our Armed Forces in all levels of Western government!

  13. Michael in Nelson says:

    Found over at Wirecutter’s.

    Words are no longer sufficient as a means to cure this