Our Friend Terry is Back in Business

Take a minute and go have a look,you won’t be disappointed-


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12 Responses to Our Friend Terry is Back in Business

  1. KG says:

    All good stuff! http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

    • Warren Tooley says:

      Thanks KG for being generous. You are happy for other blogs to succeed. Some people would feel threatened that they’re going to other blogs. You have a more team mate approach.

      • Terry - the conservative says:

        Thanks everyone for your support. It is really hard getting started again especially doing videos which is a learning curve for me and that, in part, is why I am doing them; I need a challenge. As a point of interest, when I first started doing them I had them published on Youtube and I got responses (comments) easily and very quickly so much so I had local people (who I don’t know) where I live saying ‘hello Terry.’ And one guy at a local large building supply store doesn’t want to serve me anymore.
        That was a little too scary for me given the fascist mentality of the group-think left so I ended up unlisting them on Youtube until I know where I am going with this.
        This is really hard for me, as I am in two minds over this, on the one hand I want and demand the right to free speech and I hate the fascist left who want to silence people. On the other hand, I now live in a small town and need to survive here.

        • KG says:

          Terry, my 2¢ worth:
          The problem with conservatives is that we’re not united, not organised and not willing to risk families and jobs and so forth in order to stand up against the well-organised, well funded and utterly ruthless fascists.
          And the left is currently winning. Easily.
          They’re very, very close to wrapping this thing up and the choice for us is stark:
          Fight or become the serfs of these pigs.
          Speak up. Sabotage. Refuse to be silenced.
          The hour is late, my friend.
          (mailed you)

        • Darin says:

          Don’t let the haters get you down.I’m pretty outspoken at work,my boss encourages it,and we have some pretty firey debates with a few different customers.However,we still can find common ground and all of them have no hard feelings about our discussions.
          If it’s down to making a living,then,it’s best to be neutral when dealing with the general public.It’s a general rule that in business no matter which side you take,someone is going to get bent.
          The key to dealing with folks like your guy at the building supply,is to cut through all the brainwashing they have been exposed to by the leftist media.The main issue is the left’s de-humanizing of anyone they disagree with.
          The only thing that works on that front,is to offer them some unexpected kindness at least as an ice breaker.They never see that one coming and it really blows their minds and gets them thinking.

        • Pascal says:

          I recently stumbled upon this insight.

          Ad hominem is the Left’s foremost argument. You can remonstrate all you want and prove they are projecting their own racism, bigotry, paternalism, denialism, whatever, but they will continue on hurling the same baseless charges.

          Ad hominem is their hammer and all opponents are nails.

          Keep that as a reminder that your opponents have nothing left but aggression, and you will waste less time defending your positions. The upside to keep in mind it they seem to have so abandoned reason that they may have alienated any generals who still know how to use it.

          • Terry - the conservative says:

            Thanks again guys for some great advice. I think I will go ahead next year and put my videos back up on YouTube again. Because the reality is this; if I don’t, they have won.

  2. KG says:

    This, I believe, is the greatest threat to Western civilization:
    ‘Why Our Schools Produce Brainwashed Dolts
    …..school education is wholly captured by the Left. Kids are now drafted by teachers as activists for a panoply of Left causes masquerading as ‘sustainability’. ‘

    The ‘march through the institutions’ is now complete. We are screwed.