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8 Responses to LIARS

  1. Brown says:

    Maori not violent before colonialisation? I stopped reading at that point.

    • KG says:

      It’s be laughable if not just infuriating, Brown. The Herald and Stuff “News” are no more than corrupt propaganda pushers and the frightening thing is that so many regard them as real news.
      Also, maori women have again and again been the enablers, apologists for and perpetrators of violence against the welfare tokens they call children, yet the media ignores that inconvenient fact to focus on male violence.

    • Oswald bastable says:

      Non-violent, yet had a need to live in fortified positions on hilltops. Someone needs an education. (Note I do not say go back to school)

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    I actually find it disgusting that someone who is supposed to be in charge of this stuff is that ignorant of history.

  3. Warren Tooley says:

    About the family violence, its all just legalese nonsense. The interests of the child are paramount. The next group that matters is the one providing the day to day care of the child-the mother usually. If the violence affects either of those two it is family violence.

    So violence against men is not reported, if under the marriage act. So that is why I keep on hitting my head against the wall when I expect these people to be fair to men.