They would be proud of Jacinda Arden and her rabble.

Stalin, Hitler and other assorted thugs, that is. Thugs who always used restrictions on free speech and disarming people before murdering them in their millions.

A couple of weeks ago, Jacinda Ardern was asked what speech her Government would target. She replied: “When you see it, you know it.”

‘One person who can be expected to wield influence over the review is the Chief Human Rights Commissioner, Paul Hunt.

Never heard of him? No, many New Zealanders haven’t. He was appointed last October as part of a cleanout that followed a sexual harassment scandal at the Human Rights Commission.
Hunt was recruited from Britain. He is an academic, a human rights careerist and an activist whose adulatory entry in Wikipedia makes much of his work with the United Nations. He is also reportedly aligned with the Corbynite socialist Left of the British Labour Party.
Is he someone we should entrust with the job of influencing what New Zealanders can be permitted to read, hear and say? I don’t think so. Not for a moment.’
….The enemies of free speech want to contain political debate within narrow parameters dictated by them, and are prepared to exploit a tragedy to achieve that goal. They must not be allowed to get away with it.’
Speech: What it costs to be free


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11 Responses to They would be proud of Jacinda Arden and her rabble.

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    No one should be surprised by Jacinda’s position. She is firmly in the camp that believes feelings are more important than freedom or facts.

    • KG says:

      You miss the point.
      She is firmly of totalitarian inclinations. With added Messiah Complex to boot, now.
      A very dangerous little girl with idiot and uninformed adoring followers, one Wabbit regards as leading an illegitimate government.
      NZ right now is the perfect lab rat for the U.N. to test this crap on.

      Oh, and somebody give us the names of those who appointed (or should that be “anointed”?) Paul Hunt and what were the criteria for the position?
      Muriel Newman gets it:
 By Dr Muriel Newman
      Under the shadow of the Christchurch tragedy, radical opportunists are calling for hate speech laws to silence anyone speaking out against their agenda. In particular, Maori sovereignty activists are now labelling those who disagree with them as not only racists, but white supremacists and purveyors of hate speech as well.
      They are targeting New Zealanders of European origin, blaming them for the colonisation of the country by Britain almost 180 years ago. White New Zealanders are now being called oppressors, vilified for the fact that Maori are not the ruling class. It is all quite extraordinary.
      …For the sake of our future, we must not let the radicals succeed in forcing through law changes to criminalise opposing voices, otherwise under Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand really will become a totalitarian State.’

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        I may be underestimating NZ’s latest female icon because I don’t think she has the intelligence to be totalitarian except in that she places her feelings as all important. I have always seen true totalitarians as power hungry, Admittedly, JA is getting there quickly but she has never impressed me as having an IQ higher than a gardenia.

  2. KG says:

    ‘New Zealand could be positioning itself to be the first government to get access to genetic data held by consumer DNA testing sites, and that’s a dangerous road to go down, writes Richard MacManus.’

  3. mawm says:

    NZ also positioning itself to be the leader in “Climate Change” with the Greens Zero Carbon Bill. Just how dangerous and how costly is this bill? Read this from the New Zealand Centre for Political Research.

    This commie witch and her illegitimate government need to go.

  4. powderburns says:

    Anyone who thinks they can write a set of rules for free speech, is a fool. Free speech wants to be free, not bound by big government control freaks. This ends with us forced to use Labor Newspeak. Lying to ourselves, and each other every day. A living hell.

    Hey who has heard about Laogai? The biggest prison camp system in the world. Chinese equivalent of the Gulag. Over 50 million visitors. Very poorly understood, because very few people came out alive. They had pre-printed confession forms. Every prisoner was expected to write out their confession on arrival. People were not arrested because they were guilty. They were guilty because they were arrested.

    What the totalitarians fear most is dissent. One person standing up, alarms them. 10,000 people standing up sends them into a panic. Which is where the speech control comes in. Freedom!

  5. paul scott says:

    My last few weeks in Christchurch were horrid. The helicopter buzzed overhead incessantly and it had a down beam like something out of a futuristic horror move,
    The beneficiaries of the Mosque shooting are censorship. a vicious creeping socialism,and Sharia love and law.
    I think Tarrant was trained in the middle east and programmed to affect Islamic martydom, and the consequences you now live with.
    For Ardern’s part, she launched it right in our faces and the sheeple sucked it up like lollipop water.
    I could not survive in New Zealand now, I would be in jail in no time , because I hate what is happening so much I would take direct action.
    Where I live now, I can , write and express nearly anything I like , except against the King. Military law here in Thailand has seen no shootings and no heavy handed authoritarianism. Only socialism can bring you that. And you do have that.