Clown World

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2 Responses to Clown World

  1. Rick says:

    The city is going after the property owners because it’s easier than the city complying with a SCOTUS decision which left in place a ruling by the 9th circuit. (basically, prosecuting the homeless constitutes ‘cruel and unusual’ punishment, therefore is unconstitutional.)

    It is absurd that a city council member (shown in video) makes excuse for the city’s lacking. It is him, and other council members, who are lacking. Of course he would defend the indefensible.

    Calling it a ‘homeless’ problem is the problem. ‘Homeless’ is a condition. It is a response to other factors. Calling it a ‘homeless’ problem will prevent them from ever seeing the true causes.

    BTW: washing the feces and detritus off the sidewalks and streets sends it not to a sewage treatment system but ultimately into river beds and the ocean. Untreated.

    • Darin says:

      Yes, the term “homeless” has been used as an umbrella to excuse all manner of behavior, and also as an excuse for inaction by those in power. It should be fairly obvious that in the cities and townships where it isn’t tolerated, that there isn’t any to speak of.