Everyone is equal, except for some who are more equal than others….

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2 Responses to Everyone is equal, except for some who are more equal than others….

  1. pb says:

    This is why the Blasphemy rules were struck out last year. They planned to bring in their own new left wing religious hate laws to replace them.

    The dope pushers want us all addicted to our human lusts. Once we are befuddled by dope, we won’t notice as they pull their power levers to bring about their new utopia. It’s simply power politics. The difference between a simple criminal baddy who kills a few dozen, and the true monsters who kill millions and justify it as for the “greater good”, is ideology. This labour group are riddled with the true monsters whom are full of murderous ideology, but they think they are doing the greater good.

    Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence

    • Anon says:

      Wife and I are contemplating applying for gun licences to take up trap shooting for fun in the anticipation we’ll have the time in the nearish future and mentioned that to a relative that works for the police. I made a throwaway comment about getting one while we can to which they made a comment that my comment wasn’t far off the mark. From that I took that there’s licencing changes afoot.