Open House 2/9/20

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19 Responses to Open House 2/9/20

    • Pascal says:

      In my opinion, this is not an unintended consequence. It’s a deliberate in-your-face-peons by our rulers. “See what we’ve done! There is not a damn thing you can do about it. And we haven’t even shown you our piles of toxic, depleted “green” car batteries.”

      • Darin says:

        The corruption is breathtaking, and hidden well enough the average person never sees it. It’s also ironic that wind turbines are dependent on the very petrochemical industry the greentards are trying to kill.

  1. Victor says:

    Ouch… This one hits hard: Think the unthinkable –
    “With the recent outbreak of a new flu virus, a germ weapon created in a bio-lab, it requires a person to ask themselves who benefits? As I saw video after video of Chinese police hauling healthy people off, never to be seen again. I had to ask myself why? In a recent video a man, a man over 50 mind you, gets a knock at the door, and he asked the police why they are there. They tell him they are concerned about his health. He says, I am fine, I’m not sick. They respond, but we need to check for sure, open the door. He is talking to them through a type of screen door. They can see he is healthy, and able to talk with him in full strength. Then they break the door down and forcibly take him away. Why?”

    • Darin says:

      Perfectly plausible theory, I’ve been saying the same thing will happen all over the west, though in a more covert way. Western populations are getting older quickly, the bills are coming due for promises made (the ponzi scheme of social security in the US is winding down as an example).
      All western nations are seeing a push towards government run healthcare. So let’s say you hit retirement age and retire. You are no longer paying into the system and instead are drawing a check every month. At that point what good are you to the government? So they “ration” healthcare, you don’t get the tests you need on time and even if you do any treatment you need is slow walked. Why would they be in a hurry? They want you dead (see the Canadian and to some extend, the US healthcare system)
      Why else would they be telling us-
      #Millions of jobs will be lost to automation
      # We need an influx of millions of foreign workers to fill vacant jobs
      # We need an influx of millions of foreign workers to “shore up the SS system”

      Even though all three statements contradict each other.

      Consider what the #1 cause of death in developed nations was last century- governments.

    • pb says:

      Communists are going to get super harsh to control a people with nothing to lose. The images of the big prison coffin ships will be remembered for a long time. Sell your P&O shares yesterday. I wouldn’t want to have a large debt with China right now. New Zealand government?

      With this new plague, who’d have thought that the preppers are sitting pretty with their guns, food supplies and self sufficiency. Whose laffing now?

      We cancelled our plans for overseas holidays. South Island looking good.

    • Brown says:

      Upon hearing opinions early on (on the radio so mainstream as opposed to weird fringe nutters) that the virus was potentially a lab virus I did wonder about a social issue requiring a slow down of people spending or consuming to try to balance the books and here we go. An interesting theory. The author is correct about the communists appearing unconcerned about what we would perceive to be human rights – their history is brutal.

  2. Alan Hancox says:

    We are living in weird times Nest on the list will be the arrest of a child riding a tricycle. while eating at ice cream..

    • Darin says:

      Yep, probably because some little swell headed knumpty decided there must be an ordinance forbidding it for our own “good”.

  3. Darin says:

    Steve Scalise: “Free Americans scare Democrats to death”

    “The president’s fighting for people,” said Scalise. “[Democrats] are fighting for government control, and it scares them to death to think that individuals might actually be able to control their own destiny.”

    Scalise remarked, “[Donald Trump] stands for the freedom of people to control their destiny. Democrats stand for government controlling your destiny. I think that’s the biggest contrast of all.”

    Nail meet Hammer

  4. Warren Tooley says:

    Hey guys, latest news Hillary is possibly running as V.President with Michael Bloomberg. Last time she showed us her bloomers in 2016. Get it bloomers-Bloomers.

    • Darin says:

      I saw that, that must be a sign the apocalypse is upon us. :shock:

      And don’t quit your day job :lol:

      • Warren Tooley says:

        Well yes, we used to call her Hillabeast. Revelation 17:3, a woman sitting on a beast. A fulfillment of Revelation, hee hee. A joke.