Who’s funding the invasion?

Why US taxpayers of course through the U.N.-

The Federalist-

From the article-

“An aggravating irony among the fast-expanding coterie of Republican congressional critics of the UN largesse is that U.S. taxpayer money is being spent in contravention of American immigration law and national interest in controlling the border against economic migration.

“All of this sounds like they’re using U.S. tax dollars to encourage this invasion into the nation, and it seems strange to me that we would support an organization that encourages and funds this,” Gooden told me. “It’s totally crazy. I am baffled that there’s not more outrage but I think the lack of outrage is due to the lack of knowledge.”
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One Response to Who’s funding the invasion?

  1. Pascal says:

    …lack of outrage is due to the lack of knowledge.

    Corporate media is paid to keep it quiet and so the vast majority — who’ve been indoctrinated to avoid anything to the right of AOC — refuse to listen when it comes from us.

    I’ve some thoughts on how to break through so that some in media decide their lives are worth far more than the pittance they’re paid. And also a way to recruit others currently on the other side. But I await to hear some feedback so can decide on the wisest way to proceed if at all.