‘A peace activist has been found hanged in an abandoned house in the Gaza Strip just hours after he was paraded on YouTube by his abductors.
Vittorio Arrigoni, 36, was blindfolded and had been badly beaten before the broadcast. A hand was seen pulling his head up by his hair to face the camera.
The video, posted just hours after the pacifist was kidnapped, sparked a frantic race against time to track him down before he was killed.
But though Hamas security forces quickly received a tip-off about his whereabouts in Gaza’s Sheikh Rudawan district, they arrived too late to save him.
……..He was abducted by an Al Qaeda-linked Jihadist group, who were attempting to put pressure on Hamas, which runs the enclave, to release its leader Hesham al-Sa’eedni.
In the Arabic text that accompanied the YouTube video, his kidnappers described Italy as ‘the infidel state’ and said that Mr Arrigoni had ‘entered our land only to spread corruption.’….’
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