‘The Woodpile Report’:

‘And now as we are on the threshold of the deliberate collapse of the United Socialist States of America, pay close attention. The “system” is building a scenario that will allow for the rise of the People’s Democratic Socialist Republic of America – sans that pesky charter of negative liberties. In place of inalienable rights from our Creator, we will have “human rights” bestowed by government. We will no longer absolutely own ourselves, our labor, that which we obtained from that labor, nor will we even have a right to life, without permission of our sovereign government.

At that point, the noble experiment of the republican form will be over, and the world will not see its like again. For no other nation has a government that recognizes that the people are sovereigns, not subjects. America was the only nation on earth that had a republican form, and its people squandered its birthright, in ignorance and apathy.

Our posterity will curse our names and memories, for the bitter chains they will bear, because of our failure….’                                             here

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