More Maori bollocks:

‘Extreme social and economic disadvantage faced by Maori has been highlighted as an ongoing concern by a United Nations indigenous human rights expert during his visit here.
…”I cannot help but note the extreme disadvantage in the social and economic conditions of Maori people, which are dramatically manifested in the continued and persistent high levels of incarceration of Maori individuals,” Prof Anaya said.’   source

Horse shit.  He conveniently ignores the thuggish culture, the countless millions of dollars given to maori in the form of fisheries, forests and welfare by hardworking taxpayers. He ignores the role that cowardice plays too–the refusal of white Kiwis to demand that maori use the opportunities they’re given to lift themselves out of the gutter and instead tolerate  the perpetuation of the victim mentality. Maori have just one people to blame for their abysmal performance–and it’s not European New Zealanders.

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