Francis W. Porretto:

‘….The last and most terrible of all considerations is what we would have to do if all our peaceable efforts were to fail. The Ruling Class will maintain its grip on power by whatever means are available to it. Already, Democrats have succeeded in stealing governorships (Washington) and positions in the United States Senate (Minnesota and Missouri). Developments such as the Secretary of State Project are already apace throughout the country. These, combined with other methods of vote fraud and voter intimidation, could turn Barack Hussein Obama into a replay of Robert Mugabe or Hugo Chavez. Inasmuch as Boards of Election all over America are preponderantly staffed by Democrats, and the Left has no moral scruple that would prevent it from stealing any election it could steal, this is a possibility we must address.
If things turn out too badly, we might have to lock and load.
The protection of our right to our weapons is the most important of all our near-term undertakings. Fortunately, recent Supreme Court decisions appear to have reinforced this control on the actions of the State, but the right must be exercised to be meaningful. Just as one must know whence the threat approaches, one must be prepared to meet it with all the force one can command. If our political masters are so desirous of retaining their power and prestige that they invalidate our elections, whether by fraud or by decree, we must be prepared to march, and bleed, and die.
If confronted by that requirement, many vocally ardent freedom advocates will accept fetters and subjugation in preference.’
(bold mine kg)

Francis W. Porretto Bastions And Batteries: A Coda To Codevilla

This is from a superb post, one which every person who claims to be a conservative and to love liberty would do well to read. If the enemies of liberty are to be defeated this is the quality of thinking that will be necessary to do it.

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