The latest Woodpile Report is up.

On the coming re-ordering of things:
‘..Entitlements are a bribe intended to buy simulated civility from the aggressively improvident, pacification on the installment plan if you will. Notice the recipients don’t threaten to get jobs or start businesses or even neighborhood gardens if entitlements are cut so yes, there will be violence, by the violent natch. We’re talking about those who wear gang or sports-themed costumes, who take their meals at convenience stores by preference, largely addicts and their spawn, both effectively parentless; in general the stupid by nature and ignorant by choice, whose mental development ends at puberty, the constitutionally belligerent, the eternal back flow of civilization who maim and kill over trivia, or for entertainment, or for no reason at all. Only willing victims of state-sponsored education, the insane or the irretrievably metropolitan—often the same person—believe otherwise. Those who act on this belief will trouble us only briefly come the Disorder, it’s a self-curing affliction…’

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