Way to go!

‘…Muslims in Switzerland are responding with shock and outrage after a pig carcass and severed swine heads were discovered buried at the site of a proposed mosque. Police in the town of Grenchen uncovered the pigs Friday after they received an anonymous message claiming that someone had buried the body parts and spilled 120 liters of blood from the animals in an effort to desecrate the ground to halt the construction of the mosque…’

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8 Responses to Way to go!

  1. Katie says:

    What an idea! This should be done at each site proposed for a mosque.

  2. KG says:

    You bet! :mrgreen:

  3. OUT RAGE-the perpetual reaction by muslims!
    I like Katie’s idea!!!


  4. Kris K says:

    That’s one up on my pork fat application to all munitions :twisted:

  5. WAKE UP says:

    I wonder what it would take to get them REALLY shocked and outraged… the murder of Theo van Gogh perhaps? the persecution of Ayann Ali Hirsi? stoning women to death? a few “honour” killings? Sheesh.

  6. mort says:

    all they need next is a homosexual niteclub next door

    • mort says:

      the homo pick up joint would just end up being an outreach room, and they’d probably demand the coucil built them adjacent rooms to satisfy their other fancies such as goat herdboy shagging, goat shagging, nose and clitoral removal service for females who dare to look above 30degrees off the ground