A message for the upcoming NZ elections:

Voting merely legitimises what’s become a farce, a pretend show of “democracy” which gives the stamp of approval to a bunch of charlatans, thieves, liars, opportunists and control-freaks. People who want to plunder the productive, pander to the welfare vote and at the same time dictate to a supposedly free people how they should lead their lives.
John Key’s actions in ignoring the results of the smacking referendum, passing legislation to retrospectively make lawful the unlawful police surveillance and videotaping of suspects and giving away assets which belong to all New Zealanders to his racist coalition partners (which partners no Kiwis were asked about or informed of in the lead up to the last elections) are all perfect demonstrations of the point.
As an aside, is anybody wondering why the trivial “teapot tapes” saga is getting so much attention, yet the question of whether to retain the MMP system isn’t? Hmm?

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27 Responses to A message for the upcoming NZ elections:

  1. Richard says:

    It is not place to tell anyone to vote or not to vote.

    I intend to vote for the MP and Party that is the least offensive to me and through this help keep the most offensive out via the MMP system. In the same way I will use the referendum opportunity to vote against MMP and in favour of Single Transferable Vote.

    • Ronbo says:

      Voting for the lesser of the two evils is still voting for evil.

      America is a perfect example of an attempt to compromise with socialist evil – Our country has entered a pre-civil war/revolutionary situation that will very likely explode into the real thing within the next couple of years.

      • Richard says:

        Then you should not be talking about revolution and thereby make yourself a target, just start doing it.

    • KG says:

      “It is not place to tell anyone to vote or not to vote.”
      It is place to say anything I damn well please.

  2. mort says:

    without casting a vote you cannot legitimately complain about anything the next govt does or doesn’t do.

    A better tactic is to go in there and invalidate your voting form by stating truths against the various party’s logos.

    Or simply tick a new box: none of the above as they are all self interested arsewipes who like to steal money from the productive to buy votes from the unproductive

    • KG says:

      “without casting a vote you cannot legitimately complain about anything the next govt does or doesn’t do.”
      “legitimately complain”?? And what good would that do? I guess you mean that casting a vote and then complaining uselessly about politicians who do as they please is preferable to not casting a vote and watching politicians do as they please anyway?
      The process is a sham. A joke. And as Ronbo says, voting for what we hope will be the lesser evil is still voting for evil.
      I refuse.

    • Flashman says:

      Sorry but the days of “don’t vote, can’t complain later” are dead – if they ever existed outside of high school social studies classes.

      Election boycotting is an expression of freedom and autonomy that is merely a minor point of evidence in a wider individual conviction that the current political process is corrupt and unprincipled.

      This election is a plastic sham that offers no genuine choice other than to renew the contracts of the same pack of me-first charlatans for another three years of expense account lifestyle. A pox on them.

  3. mort says:

    which electorate would you have been eligible to vote in, if you so wanted to?

  4. jon says:

    I’ve got more productive things to do with a saturday morning than cast a wasted vote.
    None of the parties will do a single thing to benefit me.
    My time will be better spent doing something that will actually improve my lot.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Jon, “None of the parties will do a single thing to benefit me.”

      And nor should they. The only thing any political party or politician can do in the current setup is harm you. Some parties harm you less, some more, but they all cause harm. Even in the giving of tax cuts; this is a mugger giving you enough of your own money back for taxi fare to get home! And what do they expect in return for handing you back a small portion of your own coin? Usually, more control over your life. Harm. Harm. And more harm.

      This is exactly why the political system has become so corrupted, because both politicians and the people who elect them believe it’s the role of Government to do things to benefit ‘their’ people. Sorry, but it isn’t. The Government is not our daddy or our mummy.

      The role of Government should be limited to protecting our borders, enacting laws to punish those who would do us harm and protecting our way of life. Anything else is a form of winner-picking design to bribe or protect a certain voter class. Whether it’s welfare (protecting families from having to take responsibility for their own weak and indolent), fisheries (protecting the faux-indigenous from their fellow-immigrants), agriculture (protecting ‘the environment’ from Federated Farmers), the environment (protecting blue snails and moonbats from evil, avaricious creatures called ‘man’ and their creation called ‘progress’), Maori Affairs (the cultural arm of New Zealand’s own 5th column, bent on driving the white man – anyone who can’t find 1/1000000th Maori ancestry – back into the sea) it’s all about either taking wealth from the majority and dispensing it to chosen classes, or about preventing people from living their lives the way they want.

      The politician or party which says they will close down the bureaucracy, leaving only defence (which will be increased by 200%), police, and a greatly transformed immigration (with a mandate to protect kiwi culture from rampaging hordes of 7th century death-cultists and from whingeing Northern Hemispher-ites fleeing the hell they created in their own countries and seeking to replicate the destruction in the beautiful South Seas) is the party that gets my vote, and the politician my respect.


      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Case in point…Two filthy troughs filled with little piggies slurping away all our coin. Government funded organisations whose only role in life is to lobby the Government. If this ain’t corruption, then I don’t know what is!

      • Kris K says:

        Very well said, Gantt – my sentiments exactly (and I’m sure those of many other regulars as well).

  5. Robertvdl says:

    Why democracy is a bad thing and has nothing to do with Freedom.
    Michael Badnarik’s Constitution Class 2/7
    min 28.10

    • WAKE UP says:

      Churchill said “Democracy is the worst system – except for all the others”

      Tough call.

      • Kris K says:

        Dead right, Wakey.
        Democracy only works/survives when founded upon Judeo-Christian principles and values. Remove them and it quickly devolves to a tyrannical Marxist-type dictatorship and/or is subverted by such satanically inspired ideologies as the death-cult of Islam.

        The evidence that both the above are occuring in the West is manifest for all to see.

  6. Cadwallader says:

    I shall vote as it is a right as dear to me as property rights, the erosion of which is often chronicled on this blog.
    The day the right to vote is excised from this country is the day we can really begin to squirm.
    The right to vote is a separate and distinct issue from the behaviour of parties. The behaviour of parties should simply hit us that we all ought be careful as to our preferences, rather than a reason not to participate in the electoral process.
    I believe in good government provided it does not stretch beyond the provision of a constitution, ( itself beyond the control of the parliamentary parties) an effective police system and a strong defence force. The rest of current governmental meddling can be left to the studious attentions of an unfettered market. In other words I am happiest when left alone and not routinely subjected to officious bureaucrats telling me how to think, how to live and what I must pay them to perpetuate their pointless existence.

  7. KG says:

    “The day the right to vote is excised from this country is the day we can really begin to squirm.”
    Which is why our lords and masters will be very careful to keep that figleaf of “democracy” in place–it wouldn’t do for the peasants to lose their illusion of control over their lives, after all.
    They just might finally rise up were that to happen. Or not, in NZ’s case, because the socialism-indoctrination has produced a few generations of happy battery hens.
    (and I wouldn’t for one moment suggest that Australia’s political situation is significantly different)

  8. kowtow says:

    I have felt in the past that voting is a waste of time.But it is still part of citizenship and a responsibility.
    Our politicians are largely shit and it may come down to the lesser of 2 evils but do vote. Don’t waste it,choose a party closest to your philosophy. Then go and talk to your representative when you’re unhappy,that’s our system.
    That’s what all those white headstones in France ,Turkey and the Far East are about.

    I do think that there should be a separate box to tick,Non of the above. That way the bastards could get a measure of what we the people think of them.

    Some very good items on todays UK Daily Telegraph site about the mess these people have got us into .

    • KG says:

      “That’s what all those white headstones in France ,Turkey and the Far East are about.”
      And could those fine men talk to us today, I suspect they would say they failed, Kowtow.
      What couldn’t be done by force of arms has been done by stealth, by laziness and apathy and selfishness since then.

      • Richard says:

        To me those headstones are about our democratic ideals, and the need to sacrifice to protect our preferred way of life. Right or wrong I vote because if it ever comes to a fight, I can say to my enemy “I told you so”.

        • KG says:

          It won’t come to a fight–because we’ve already caved in or been conditioned to accept things as they now are.
          “To me those headstones are about our democratic ideals, and the need to sacrifice to protect our preferred way of life” are just words. Meaningless words, because the ideals are all but dead and there is no available sacrifice which will protect a way of life all but gone.
          Count up your freedoms–the number is now depressingly small and more are vanishing daily.
          We are no longer free men and women. And few people even care.

          • Richard says:

            Shall I tell you what the real evil is? To cringe to the things that are called evils, to surrender to them our freedom, in defiance of which we ought to face any suffering.
            Lucius Annaeus Seneca

  9. KG says:

    And our “way of life” is now what’s left–until our masters destroy that too.
    I’m old enough to remember what relative freedom looked like.