‘Horror day on New Zealand roads’

Since the NZ police take credit for any period during which the road toll is unusually low, may we assume they’ll also be taking responsibility for this?

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2 Responses to ‘Horror day on New Zealand roads’

  1. kowtow says:

    Good point.
    Managerialism is destroying the police.
    Funny how one fluckey holiday weekend road toll that was low can be turned into a success story while all the f@ck ups will be put down to something else.
    As to road tolls they should stop talking about fatals and start talking about serious injury crashes. Those are the ones that have a huge cost to the economy.(if you want to be mercenary about it)

    The reduction in fatals isn’t down to Superintendant Plod and his 5 kph .it’s about better cars and airbags and improved health services. How many poor bastards are lying on their backs in comas who should really be in the fatal stats.

  2. MK says:

    Repeat after me – speed kills!
    What’s that, teenager caught doing 200kmh didn’t burst into a ball of flames and just die instantly? Shut up and repeat after me – speed kills!