
‘Around 200 men took to the streets in the annual street race, as part of a national day of action to help combat violence against women.
..Pounding the pavement and carrying long white ribbons, groups of men raced through the streets of Wellington today to send a message…’
The ‘message’ will be lost on or ignored by those who commit violence against women. This is just another feelgood waste of time by men who are stupid enough to buy into the “violence against women is all men’s problem” and by so doing they help tar perfectly innocent men who don’t join a public spectacle, with that brush.
It isn’t ‘all men’s’ problem. The vast majority of men treat women decently. Wabbit had first-hand experience of this garbage in NZ, and was asked by workmates why he wasn’t wearing a white ribbon. The answer?
Because I don’t commit violence against women and don’t feel obliged to demonstrate that fact in public. The day I’m free under the law to deal to the scumbags who do, is the day I will regard it as my responsibility.

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20 Responses to Horsecrap!

  1. oswald bastable says:

    Damned right!

    Not bashing women around is the default setting for men. REAL men, not feral boys.

    I see no need to ‘prove’ that with a bit of silly tokenism.

    • KG says:

      G’day, Os. Interesting, isn’t it, how leftards can bleat on about the evils of “collective punishment” but they don’t mind collective responsibility and collective smearing?

    • Kris K says:

      “I see no need to ‘prove’ that with a bit of silly tokenism.”

      And if I felt so inclined I’d sure as hell NOT be doing it with a bloody metro-sexual white ribbon. What is it with these guilt-ridden limp-dicked poor excuses for real men?! Pathetic.

  2. K2 says:

    It isn’t about violence against women. It’s about power for leftists in general. What is the last group that strongly opposes leftist totalitatianism? Males in general and white males in particular.

    They use the “rape” and “violence” button because they know men are hardwired to respond with guilt and shame – men who have never had any record or intention of making violence against women – and therefore give up more of their freedom and liberty in the name of keeping women safe. It’s a nasty scam that uses male chivalry judo to attack them. It’s the male equivalent of “. . for the children” which worked so well in getting women into the tent.

    In the US, the feminist wing of the left rode this issue to the point of effectively making men a second class sex and even managed to take away their constitutional rights. It’s a nasty bit of sexual fascism and it needs to be exposed for what it is.

    • KG says:

      “It’s a nasty bit of sexual fascism and it needs to be exposed for what it is.”
      Well said!

    • mawm says:

      the feminist wing of the left rode this issue to the point of effectively making men a second class sex

      Here they just went straight for the balls as shown by the neutered drones carrying white ribbons around Wallington.

  3. Darin says:

    Liberal cause-o-the week ,horsecrap you bet.When is there gonna be a march to combat violence against men?

    Been beat up honey? Call the cops and leave me out of it,that’s what we pay them for.Otherwise take the ribbons,wristbands swags and sweaters and shove them.

    I know a retired cop who said he would rather face down a man with a shotgun than respond to a domestic dispute,I don’t doubt him.

    I’m only rambling out of rage,I once got involved in a domestic dispute where the woman involved played me and the cops like a harp.She turned out to be a dirty,backstabbing bitch that deserved the fat lip she got.

    A preacher once told me that women are responsible for 50% of the sin in this world,no more no less,I believe he is right.

  4. Andrei says:

    I hate these “raising awareness” exercises in self flagellation for things I didn’t do and never would.

    Further thoughts from me Here

  5. kowtow says:

    A lawyer for someone who murdered a woman on the news tonight saying how courageous and responsible he was for pleading guilty.
    Can you believe it?The language from these snakes!
    Then the cop in charge telling us how hard it all was and how difficult a job etc……sorry bud that’s what you get paid for.Next I see the cop on telly,in uniform,one lapel has the police badge for their own fallen (that’s OK) but the other lapel has the white ribbon … now the uniform becomes a political symbol marketer(not OK)
    Finally the PM also has a white ribbon…..they’re all at it, and if you’re not you’re some kind of something or other.
    I don’t like the fact that one form of violence has been given a higher moral status over others, Government officials be they police or PM are sworn to uphold the law without fear or favour.
    We now have a situation of fear and favour, and it is very dangerous.

  6. KG says:

    “We now have a situation of fear and favour, and it is very dangerous.”
    It is indeed–and it’s the back door to tyranny.

  7. Redbaiter says:

    See the always PC John Key falling over himself to sign up and wear the ribbon.


  8. MK says:

    It’s like sheep wearing ribbons indicating vegetarianism and expecting the wolf to adopt the same stupidity.

    If someone asks me to wear this crap, i think i’ll ask them why they aren’t wearing the magenta ribbon too, you know, the one indicating you’re not a pedophile. Hopefully the fool will understand the futility of such nonsense.

  9. Jay says:

    What can you expect from liberal Wellington? Just another “look at me” charade. Comes free with a complimentary Haka! :grin:

  10. Scumsucker says:

    Great argument Mr CR.

    Thanxs again for the best NZ blog!

  11. WAKE UP says:

    The crimes of women, being maanipulative, are difficult to detect, proscribe and prosecute. Men act out, poor suckers.

  12. oswald bastable says:

    A really meaningful gesture would be to allow concealed carry.

    Nothing like a sucking chest wound to turn a rapist’s thoughts elsewhere!

    • KG says:

      “Nothing like a sucking chest wound to turn a rapist’s thoughts elsewhere!”
      You just succeeded in making Gecko crack up. :mrgreen: