Think the AGW scam can be stopped?

Think again.
UPDATE: It’s the faith leftists can have -and still claim to be atheists:
‘..Turning off lightbulbs is important. To turn off the light when you leave a room is an act of piety just as much as lighting a candle in church. It has no measurable effect on the crisis at all in itself. It doesn’t even have a notable effect on your own electricity bill, and if it ever does, the world economy will be in a dreadful mess. But it is a token of seriousness. It is, if you like, a gesture of faith.
Andrew Brown, writing in the Guardian.

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6 Responses to Think the AGW scam can be stopped?

  1. John H says:

    Hardly KG – the leftard mass media are are controlling the information the sheeple are being fed. Think of Goebbels and the effect that the endless repetition of lies and half-truths has on the masses…….

    • Pascal says:

      1. Yep that’s the whole point of Mr. Bolt’s commentary at KG’s link. :mrgreen:

      2. Think of Goebbels indeed. Try out “Propaganda Mills.” Propaganda Mills is a term that will always reek of Goebbels, and the Statist loving media are constantly grinding out more and more of it. Propaganda Mills.

  2. All bow before queen Gaia!

    Eco-loons have reached the point of being parodies of themselves in my opinion. I don’t think they realise how predictable and boring their shrill cries are…

  3. WAKE UP says:

    Listen guys, I’m an atheist, and I leave the bloody lights ON all the time. :grin:

    You’ve gotta separate your belief systems from the problems we’re dealing with; they’re separate matters more often than not, and you can lose focus if you’re not careful.

  4. KG says:

    “You’ve gotta separate your belief systems from the problems we’re dealing with..”
    It seems some atheists cannot.