This is a very dangerous idea:

NZ “justice”

‘ The Government is considering banning defence lawyers from cross-examining complainants in sexual violence cases, saying the courts can “further victimise” them.’

Because there are never false claims, because women always tell the truth. Because men are never victimised by women and the courts. Because the tooth fairy is real.

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Less of an Abomination is STILL an Abomination

Trump’s Education Secretary Betsy Devos has proposed changes to Obama’s Title IX policy in regards to sexual misconduct on college campus.However many including myself say that this policy change doesn’t go far enough.As in abolishing any acting authority college administrators now have in prosecuting sexual misconduct allegations.

US Dept of Education-

See also-

Wasington Examiner-

The simple fact here is that these rules were inacted in order to give legal cover to people making false accusations designed to ruin other people’s lives,without the threat of perjury.This always was and still is a smoke screen to enable PC “thought crimes”trials to become the norm.

If you think it doesn’t matter,then think about the Kavanaugh hearings times a thousand.

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Jonestown 40 years on…

and why some things should not be forgotten.

Sun News UK-

The eventual outcome of yet another Marzist/communist “Utopia”.Why did things progress so far towards such a horrific end?Because the left enabled it of course.

The Washington Examiner-

From the article-  “Do you remember that time the entire Democratic Party in California behaved like cultists, enraptured by Peoples Temple leader Jim Jones?

If you lived through the bizarre suicides of 918 people in Guyana on Nov. 18, 1978, it’s hard not to remember where you were when you heard the news. It would be like forgetting about the Challenger explosion or Sept. 11.

But collective amnesia over just who aided and abetted Jim Jones is much easier to explain. The same influence used on Jones’s behalf during his life helped after his death to erase the causes and candidates he supported.

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It’s Always About Power

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Open House 11/16/18

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We Knew this Would Happen

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Virtue-signalling hit by reality:

Unreported in the NZ media, this item from The Australian, unfortunately paywalled:

‘New Zealand is quietly blocking entry to about 450 refugees who could legally fly there on holiday visas, Nauru says.’

We look forward to hearing an expalanation from NZ’s illegitimate socialist “government” :mrgreen:

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The GOP Has No Fight! By Design It Seems

Arizona has perpetually been a conservative state that often elects Republicans. But what sort of Republican?

What century is this Ms McSally? What political climate? Now THERE is your legitimate catastrophic anthropomorphic climate change!

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They Shall Not Grow Old

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Treason at the dinner table

Reason why when you get together with family and friends for the holidays,it’s best to keep your cards close to your vest-

Ace of Spades-

Personally,if a close friend or even family member ever sold me out to something like that,revenge would be served cold.

Hat tip to Pascal for the link.

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