Open House 11/10/18

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Dartmouth Nightmare
It’s worse than you might think.

Antifa Terrorizes Tucker Carlson’s Family
When leftist ideals find their logical result.

Paul Joseph Watson Video: The Jim Acosta Controversy
Did I really “doctor” the Jim Acosta video?

Black Nazis Terrorize Jews in New York
9 attacks on synagogues, 7 fires, 1 broken window and 9 black male perpetrators.

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One Picture….

Tells us exactly what is wrong in Washington

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It’s Go Time!

It’s the day we have all be waiting for,the Mid-Terms and the Daily Caller has been kind enough to give us a handy guide to all the craziness-

Daily Caller-

One race I am watching with interest is the Senate race to replace GopE Thad Cochran in Mississippi.It’s a three way match up between Dem Mike Esby,Repb.(RINO) Cindy Hyde Smith and Teaparty favorite Chris McDaniel.Last go around McDaniel was cheated many believe because the entire establishment rolled out inforce to oppose him and see the incumbant Cochran re-elected.

Say a prayer for us,a lot hinges on this election,if God forbid the dems get back control of the house or worse,things will get very bad,very soon,and not just for the US.

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Open House 11/4/18

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Midterm elections:

A voice from Alabama:

I heard that someone once called us deplorable.  What’s deplorable about working all day?  Or keeping a steady job?  Are those bad things to do?  Many of us have a family to raise.  Or else we’re working to make ends meet.  What’s wrong about aiming for a raise…or living a life worth dying for…or, God forbid, hitting it rich?  Are those equally as bad?  Should we just quit trying?
Tonight, I’ll be at President Trump’s rally in Pensacola.  Can’t wait to be there and hear what the Yankee has to say.  Maybe I’ll meet him and get a picture.  Or maybe I won’t.  Either way, I’ll be there.  Then comes my vote.
Beware.  You Trump-haters don’t have a clue what’s coming your way on November 6.  Call it the Big Ugly.

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Fom the New Observer:

Austria, Hungary, US, Will Not Sign UN “Migration Compact” Giving Third World the “Right” to Invade

UK’s Foreign Aid in Ghana Failed, and Made Africans Less Intelligent, Official Report Finds

Australia: 100 Africans Attack Melbourne’s North-West Taylor’s Hill Suburb

New Zealand to Increase its Fake Refugee Influx, Government Announces

NZ/Australian Politicians Argue over “Refugee Back Door”

Update: I will never buy another Apple product – screw the greedy bastards;

Apple’s T2 Chip Makes Third-Party Mac Repairs Impossible

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That Jewish Neo-Nazi White Supremacist again

David Horowitz-

Via Breitbart-

“The Post smear turned out to be just the match that lit the fuse. A tsunami of articles followed in media sites like Politico, Huffington Post, GQ, Newsweek, New York Magazine and a cluster of Florida newspapers, tying DeSantis not only to a “racially charged” event but to an event hosted by “an infamous racist,” “a white supremacist,” and “an anti-Muslim fanatic” — namely, me.”

He’s mistaken about one thing,racism isn’t the left’s last resort,it’s their opening volly and main weapon.

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Home grown Extremists

Just look at the current crop of lunatics,cranks and crazies the dems have to offer-

Andrew Gillum-Dem candidate for governor Florida-

They can’t even at least act sane in the last week before a major election-

Claire McCaskill forced to give examples of crazy democrats-

Just imagine how bonkers they will be after thier “Blue wave” doesn’t materialize.

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NZ’s Stuff “news” and NZ Herald: Liars and propagandists.

Endlessly regurgitating the Washington Post’s  lies and distortions and calling them “Opinion” pieces. This morning’s effort is disgusting by even their low standards.

I don’t recall either NZ “news” outlet carrying a single positive or even neutral report on Trumps very real and significant achievements to date. In fact both outlets appear to be channeling the fashionable NZ socialist hatred of America full time. Trump-bashing is merely cover for that, the daily two-minute hate.

This morning’s mode of both the Herald and Stuff is headline girly squealing and hysteria over an insignificant brit royal and his pet wannabe. We’d all be better informed if they stuck to that fawning drivel.


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