Open House 10/26/18

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ECHR: The EU’s Religious Police

And the truth shall set you free”…..not in the EU

Daily Mail-

“In a statement on Thursday the ECHR said: ‘The Court found in particular that the domestic courts comprehensively assessed the wider context of the applicant’s statements and carefully balanced her right to freedom of expression with the right of others to have their religious feelings protected, and served the legitimate aim of preserving religious peace in Austria.’


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Remus on the “migrant caravan”:

Enough theatre. DC should either step up and do the job or step aside for those who will. A five thousand-strong column of self-supplied volunteers could be assembled in an afternoon and as many more as is needed thereafter. Swear them in, slink away and be amazed.

Almost exactly what Wabbit said on the subject to somebody near and dear this morning.

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‘..Tommy Robinson, Britain’s Last Lion, Roars’

The Old Bailey, London (Tuesday, October 23) — Tommy Robinson is free.

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Open House 10/19/18

Having never heard of the NPC meme before, this struck me as particularly funny. And a great way to kick off this week’s open house.

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This is a biggie!

‘Huge: Supreme Court Will Hear Case to Decide if Far Left Tech Giants Can Censor Users’

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“People just can’t know that”

Dem Senator caught with her mask off-

Project Veritas via Daily Caller-

Project Veritas released another bombshell video on Monday night, this time showing Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill and her staff saying that she supports strict gun control measures, but that she couldn’t express that outwardly or she wouldn’t get reelected.

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A Rape Survivor Wins Nobel Peace Prize…..

….western feminists?So silent you could hear a Pin drop.

CNS News-

“It’s strange how women who self-identify as feminists get so worked up over unsubstantiated allegations of sexual assault, yet so callously overlook human rights injustices staring them in the face.”

That’s because most “feminsists” don’t give a damn about women and care only about power and control.

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Just How did Hillary win the popular vote?

“U.S. has 3.5million more registered voters that it does live adults”

U.S. Has 3.5 Million More Registered Voters Than Live Adults — A Red Flag For Electoral Fraud

Murdock counted Judicial Watch’s state-by-state tally and found that 462 U.S. counties had a registration rate exceeding 100% of all eligible voters. That’s 3.552 million people, who Murdock calls “ghost voters.” And how many people is that? There are 21 states that don’t have that many people

California, for instance, has 11 counties with more registered voters than actual voters. Perhaps not surprisingly — it is deep-Blue State California, after all — 10 of those counties voted heavily for Hillary Clinton

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It wasn’t your fault Mr Robertson

It wasn’t your fault that a group of demonic murdering savages flew planes into the buildings you designed,you have nothing to be ashamed of,you did nothing wrong.

Daily Mail-

“Leslie Robertson, the lead structural engineer who was one of the key designers of the Twin Towers, has a hard time returning to Lower Manhattan.

‘I find it very difficult to go there,’ the 90-year-old Robertson told the New York Post.

Seventeen years after that fateful day, Robertson is speaking out in a documentary, Leaning Out, which premieres Tuesday at the Architecture and Design Film Festival in New York this week.

It tells the story of a man with an illustrious career who became wracked with guilt over the destruction of one of his most high-profile professional triumphs.

After the collapse of the Twin Towers, Robertson was criticized by engineers and architects who say he didn’t take the proper precautions into account.”

Take proper precautions into account?I have read the American Steel Construction handbook several times and nowhere does it give data or formulae for allowable islamic terrorist attack structural loads.How exactly do you design ahead for the actions commited by practicioners of a 7th century Islamic death cult???

My hat is off to you Mr Robertson,for being a design innovator and giving this nation two of it’s most iconic buildings.

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