Open House 10/12/18

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A real and growing danger

via Oz Morning Mail

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Music,when it was still music

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Nikki Haley resigns as UN Ambassador

Didn’t see this one coming,why now and where is she going?



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As Predicted…..

Democrats now questioning legitimacy of Supreme Court-

Daily Caller-

“Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court has Democrats and liberal activists who opposed his confirmation coalescing around their next strategy: attacking the legitimacy of the nation’s highest court.”

Lunatic leftists,as predictable as sunrise.


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Kavanaugh boomerang #1 & #2

American Thinker-

“The Democrats have not merely overplayed their hand in opposing the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, they have provoked a reaction that has serious consequences for the power struggle ahead. Most of them do not understand yet the gravity of their error because they still operate out of a rage that has its origin in the belief that Donald Trump’s presidential victory was somehow illegitimate, despite the lack of any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia (and the growing evidence that the Clinton campaign colluded – via cutouts Perkins Coie and Fusion GPS – to recycle phony stories from Russian intelligence into FISA warrants).”

Continue reading

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Open House 10/5/18

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When greenies are running a country….

you get this sort of bullshit
This country has a serious housing shortage, a shortage of tradesmen, teachers and doctors and the illegitimate gang known as the “government” are playing around with this dishonest crap. :evil:

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Liberals giveth and Liberals taketh away…

Some Amazon employees will be making less after the $15 minimum wage hike-

“Several Amazon warehouse employees have criticized the move, stating they would actually be losing thousands in incentive pay. Currently, warehouse workers get two shares of Amazon stock when they’re hired ($1,952.76 per share as of writing), and an additional stock option each year. After the changes take effect, the RSU program will be phased out for stocks that vest in 2020 and 2021, and it will be replaced with a direct stock purchase plan by the end of next year.”

“An Amazon warehouse worker told The Verge via email that the news was devastating to fulfillment employees, many of whom depend on their RSU and VCP (variable compensation pay, a performance-based monthly bonus program) incentives on top of their hourly wages. VCP incentives, which are dependent on good attendance and hitting productivity targets, could get Amazon workers an 8 percent monthly bonus, and a 16 percent bonus during the peak November and December seasons.”

Which employees will lose?Why the ones that work the hardest of course,it’s the liberal way.

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Papers Please….

NZ: Travelers refusing digital search now face $5,000 customs fine-

“Travellers who refuse to hand over their phone or laptop passwords to Customs officials can now be slapped with a $5000 fine.”

Council for Civil Liberties spokesperson Thomas Beagle said the law was an unjustified invasion of privacy.

“Nowadays we’ve got everything on our phones; we’ve got all our personal life, all our doctors’ records, our emails, absolutely everything on it, and customs can take that and keep it.”

The new requirement for reasonable suspicion did not rein in the law at all, Mr Beagle said.

“They don’t have to tell you what the cause of that suspicion is, there’s no way to challenge it.”

Uhm….they do realise the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics collapsed right?

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