NAFTA Renegotiated

He said he would and he did,Trump announces new agreement on NAFTA


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Open House 9/28/18

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The war on males

When Every Boy Is Guilty, Every Girl Becomes a Monster

‘…Let me tell you about my experience with Colorado Springs area public schools while raising two boys..’

A horrifying story by Sarah Hoyt. We’re into a place where girly hysteria has been weaponized by the left. This has to stop and the only solution would seem to be suing every adult bastard who encourages it. Mostly female “teachers”, one suspects.

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Human Rights for Rapists

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Kavanaugh fights back

Finally,it looks like we have a judge with a spine-

The Daily Caller-

Kavanaugh wrote that he will not be “intimidated” by the “smear” accusations against him.

“I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process. The coordinated effort to destroy my good name will not drive me out. The vile threats against my family will not drive me out. The character assassination will not succeed,” Kavanaugh said.

The letter called the accusations against him a “grotesque and obvious character assassination.”

Now,if we could just get some Republicans to sprout a spine…

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Are We on the Verge of Civil War?

Victor Davis Hanson-

“Every day we will either treat each other as fellow Americans, with far more uniting than dividing us, or we will continue on the present path that eventually ends in something like a hate-filled Iraq, Rwanda, or the Balkans.”


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The White House has drafted an executive order for President Donald Trump’s signature that would instruct federal antitrust and law enforcement agencies to open investigations into the business practices of Alphabet Inc.’s Google, Facebook Inc. and other social media companies.


“The possibility of an executive order emerged as Attorney General Jeff Sessions prepares for a Sept. 25 briefing by state attorneys general who are already investigating the tech firms’ practices.

The meeting, which will include a representative of the Justice Department’s antitrust division, is intended to help Sessions decide if there’s a federal case to be made against the companies, two people familiar with the matter have said. At least one of the attorneys general participating in the meeting has indicated he seeks to break up the companies.”

Set fire to the trash pile and shoot the Rats as they run out :twisted: 

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Open House 9/21/18

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Zombie Smartphone Epidemic

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So many Skeletons

With what we now know was going on at the State Department,the FBI and the Whitehouse,have we ever really been able to trust them?

The Federalist-

“Thanks to James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and an ever-enlarging cast of hapless characters, my illusions about the FBI have been shattered. The FBI is no longer sacrosanct. The enormity of what we are discovering about the role of the top leadership of the Obama administration to create and salt bogus “intelligence” into the U.S. national security establishment to spy on, investigate, and try to undermine the opposition party’s presidential candidate is staggering.

It involved the most senior leadership of the FBI, working in tandem with Clinton’s campaign minions and paid spies; the senior leadership of the CIA; the director of national intelligence; the Department of Justice; and possibly officials at the State and Defense departments.”

Continue reading

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