Kiwis, this is the clown show

you DIDN’T vote for.

As another financial crash looms, as NZ has some of the world’s worst child abuse numbers and among highest number of road fatalities, as productivity is in the toilet and immigration and house prices are destroying the country’s culture, thousands are on the dole as a lifestyle choice,  these idiots and opportunists can only react with a load of vague, feelgood do-nothing bullshit. Taxes will go up and nothing will be fixed. They make me want to vomit.

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Open House 9/14/18

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The masks are off!

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Google’s internal tapes leaked-

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Body bags no mere conspiracy theory

Obama dives once in again into fantasy land,but those who lived the reality will never forget it-

American Thinker-

Kris Paronto, former Army Ranger and CIA contractor who fought with his colleagues on the roof of the CIA annex in Benghazi, remembers that night andtweeted his response to the then-president’s arrogant and dismissive ridicule of their sacrifice and your incompetence:

Benghazi is a conspiracy @BarackObama ?! How bout we do this,let’s put your cowardly ass on the top of a roof with 6 of your buddies&shoot rpg’s&Ak47’s at you while terrorists lob 81mm mortars killing 2 of your buddies all while waiting for US support that you never sent

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‘Taking land from white farmers is about racial justice, but it might also save its economy. ‘

– Bloomberg via The Washington Post

Just like it did in Zimbabwe……..

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NZ media

NZ Herald and Stuff News, peddling Washington Post lies, as usual:

‘Chair umpire’s sexist power play ruins powerful US Open women’s final’

Curious, isn’t it, how these leftist creeps almost never feature articles from conservative outlets?

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Open House 9/7/18

I put in 30 hours in the last two days,I’m a bit tired,beer is in the fridge,I am going to bed 

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Mack Rebennack

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Hollywood….need I say more?

Doing everything they can to teardown and diminish all we have achieved as a nation-


Oh,sure,just omit that minor detail-

Fox News host Laura Ingraham told her viewers on The Ingraham Angle Friday that the soon-to-be-released Neil Armstrong biopic is “trashing patriotism” because it leaves out the moment when the American flag is placed on the moon.”

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