Open House 9/1/18

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One of the things that gets me throughly enraged is the waste of public money on so called “art” installations.KG posted a link to this article which is a texbook case of why city officials and council members should never be trusted with the control of public resourses.

NZ Herald-

“An anonymous arts donor wrote a cheque for $500,000 to complete the Lighthouse sculpture on Auckland’s Queens Wharf when construction costs went through the roof.

The Herald can reveal that the final cost of the controversial piece of public art – given a new bilingual name, The Lighthouse: Tu Whenua-a-Kura, by Maori artist Michael Parekowhai – is $2.5 million.

This is $500,000 more than the $2m price tag Auckland Council chief operating officer Dean Kimpton gave in June last year on the proviso some “outstanding construction-related costs” were still being negotiated with the contractor.”

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Lies and damn lies

NPR: “66% of school shootings claimed by the Department of Education never happened”


“But NPR contacted schools and districts and was able to substantiate that 161 of the incidents “never happened.” They verified that something did occur in four instances, “but it didn’t meet the government’s parameters for a shooting.” Moreover, they received no response regarding 25 percent of the Educated Department’s reported school shootings”

But no,the bureaucrats running the agencies aren’t biased are they :evil:

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The Galloping Slippery Slope

BPS on the Cloward-Pivening of Western Culture

The changes are happening so fast, and the rulings coming down upon anyone who protests so harshly (6 figure fines leveled against individuals for declining to bake a cake), that it is hard not to recognize The Cloward-Piven nature of the assaults on our sensibilities, morals and taboos — our values.

Sometime over the last month I started using Cloward-Piven as a verb. Because the SSM has been so dedicated to overwhelming us with each next outrage, Cloward-Pivening seems to be the most accurate verb.

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’nuff said:

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The Latest Woodpile Report is up

And as usual it’s quality throughout

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How very odd….

‘UN finds proof of ‘genocide’ of Rohingya Muslims
Crimes included gang rape, the torching of villages, enslavement, and killing of children.

Reminds me of an ideology posing as a religion that uses all those things and boasts that they are a legitimate weapon of jihad. Yet nowhere have I seen the word “genocide” used by the U.N. where the murder, rape, enslavement and killing of Christians by muslims occurs. And those numbers dwarf what’s happening to Rohingya muslims.

But acknowledgement of the facts doesn’t suit the Western press, which uses “persecution of muslims” as a useful facilitator of subsidised invasion and cultural genocide. *spit*

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Expensive Red Thing

Rare Ferrari 250 GTO sells for $48.4million-


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Open House 8/24/18

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A Dangerous Silence, Breaking

    Misanthropy is a major driving force within the Prog movement. While it is not a certainty that it was there from the start (19th Century), there is no doubt it is there now. The Sustainability sub-movement of the Prog’s has demonstrated that in many ways, and its most open fanatics explicitly deride humanity’s numbers as the root of the problem.

Their success at hiding their intentions has taken our elite to a terrible new frontier. While organ transplant demand certainly risks making potential commodities of us all, the unspoken nightmare is that you’d be supremely lucky if your life is ended quickly.
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