South Africa on the Brink

First two white owned farms targeted for seizure-


“It comes as the South African government pushes ahead with plans to amend the country’s constitution to allow for the expropriation of land without compensation.

The seizures are intended to test the ability of the government to take land under existing laws, which the ruling African National Congress has previously stated is allowable if “in the public interest”.

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Beautiful! thanks, Pascal:

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Open House 8/18/18

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One thread in a very big sweater….

Judge rules New Mexico Jihadis can leave jail until child abuse trial-

Daily Caller-

In case you aren’t familiar,these are the ones who setup the training camp in the New Mexico Desert in order to train children to commit school shootings-

Also from Daily Caller-

Why would they be released on such light bail?Well if I had to guess it’s because they are connected to the DNC and several high ranking officials-

Frontpage Mag-

“Wahhaj’s father, who shares his name, is deeply involved in Democrat politics. Wahhaj is the imam of Brooklyn, New York’s At-Taqwa Mosque and used to be a member of CAIR’s national board of advisers. Imam Wahhaj offered an opening prayer at an event called “Jumah at the DNC” at the Democratic National Convention in 2012, as blogger Israel Matzav and others reported at the time.Wahhaj the elder has been called the spiritual adviser of jihad sympathizer and Bernie Sanders supporter Linda Sarsour. Sarsour co-chairs the Women’s March organization and openly admits being a member of America’s largest Marxist group, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)”

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Rise of the Snowflakes

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See,it can be done…….

West Virginia House just voted to impeach the entire state supreme court-

Daily Caller-

“Davis and three of her colleagues were impeached in the state legislature late Monday. Chief Justice Margaret Workman and Justices Allen Loughry and Elizabeth Walker will now stand trial in the state senate. The fifth member of the court, Menis Ketchum, resigned on July 27. He is expected to plead guilty to two corruption charges in federal court on Aug. 29.

The impeachment articles allege the justices failed to effectively administer the state courts, approved compensation for senior judges in excess of statutory limits, and abused state resources through lavish renovations to their chambers and unauthorized use of state vehicles for personal travel”

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It’s about time.

Well, now. The psychotic cheater has been fired, last Friday according to this story. And he thought he was above this. bwahaha



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‘Breeding Sheep in New Zealand

…A peaceful little country at the end of the earth consumed by its own affairs, achievements and virtue as a liberal, open, welcoming society perhaps might not be expected to be greatly engaged with the world — a world of trouble indeed. Nor might one expect Kiwis to be actively engaged with the world of ideas, for the same reasons of general contentment with their lot.

But in view of the narrow, very thinly based and stifled media and intelligentsia here, where memes go unargued, even undetected, and where the goons control what gets said and not said and where the examined life is often not chosen, one does feel quite depressed. Especially when a highly respected figure holding quite sane and defensible views that are shared by many in his country cannot even traipse onto a university campus to give a talk. And all because an imported university bureaucrat spouted a meme about hate speech. In New Zealand, alas, that was enough to see the further scuttling of free speech.’


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Open House 8/11/18

-Kevin Baker

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The Leeches Bleeding Us Dry

“Harvard University economist George Borjas says the country’s decades of importation of more than 1.5 million legal immigrants every year is the world’s “largest anti-poverty program” that comes at the expense of American citizens who are forced to subsidize the cost.”


Also from the article-

“Such a plan would be a boon for American taxpayers, who currently spend about $57.4 billion a year on paying for the welfare, crime, and schooling costs of the country’s mass importation of 1.5 million new, mostly low skilled legal immigrants every year. In the last decade, the U.S. has imported more than 10 million foreign nationals and is on track to import the same amount in the coming decade if legal immigration controls are not implemented.”

I know,I know,Racccist! :roll:

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