You would never know watching the MSM…

That the cult leaders arrested in New Mexico were muslim-

Daily Caller-

“Media outlets are leaving out a key detail about the New Mexico compound leaders who were reportedly training young children to commit school shootings.

Eleven children were recently rescued from the “filthy” compound, which police say appears to be run by Siraj Wahhaj and Lucas Morten. Wahhaj, the son of a prominent imam, was accused in court documents released Wednesday of training the children on the compound to commit school shootings.  Continue reading

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Latest Woodpile Report

and it opens on an ominous note indeed:

‘It’s happening. Your legally owned gun will be confiscated by the police if, in someone’s opinion, you may commit a crime or be a danger to others. The claim is made, presented to a judge, and the judge authorizes the confiscation. You’ve committed no crime. There is no due process. As of this writing, no judge has declined a request for confiscation…’

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Open House 8/3/18

It’s Friday,finally!

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Not my flag.

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Tommy Robinson Free!

The Mirror-

“Former English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson has been freed on bail by leading judges after winning his challenge against a contempt of court finding.

Lord Chief Justice Lord Burnett and two other judges in London quashed a finding of contempt made against Robinson at Leeds Crown Court in May when he was sentenced to 13 months in jail.

Announcing the decision on Wednesday, Lord Burnett said the court was allowing his appeal “in respect of the committal for contempt at Leeds Crown Court”.

He’s not out of the woods yet,but at least he’s out.

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Were We, The People, asked?

‘UN wants good news on migrants
A UN pact on migration commits governments to introduce programs aimed at “sensitising and educating” the media. ‘
Via The Australian. (paywalled)

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Open House 7/28/18

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A Warning to Australia-

They have planted their flag on your soil-

Continue reading

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UP 844 out for a stretch,July 2018

High Ball starts around 7:56 

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Zuckerberg in the hot seat

Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.Spit.

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