The latest Woodpile Report is up.


‘..So far it’s been psyops and low-voltage street conflict. Beware. All sides are locked and loaded so when restraint gives way it could be a free fall. How far and how fast things devolve can’t be known but what is known is there’s no bottom. Opportunists and predators are sniffing the wind. Prepare to support and defend your family, yourself and your community. Get serious. The classic question applies: if you’re not preparing for the worst, what are you preparing for? Stay away from crowds. ‘

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Beware the Chinese Debt Trap

Loaning money to someone you know can’t pay it back-Or Chinese loan sharks on a state level.


“Another feature of Chinese debt imperialism is on display in Pakistan, as a local government in hock to Beijing blames its own people for problems with a Belt and Road project. It is not quite as jaw-dropping as the Kenyan government insulting Kenyans as layabouts who might just deserve the abuse they have been getting from Chinese employers, but the WSJ notes that Pakistani authorities are blaming Pakistanis for causing budget shortfalls by failing to pay for Chinese electricity in a timely manner.”

Continue reading

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The Big Lie…

…well one of them anyway,seems nobody believes it anymore-


Page 5 tells us alot about what’s on people’s minds and it isn’t global warming/climate change,it didn’t even rate in the top 36 issues.Also non-existant on the list is the possibility of “Russian meddling”.

You know what did make the list as the top concern?Immigration/illegal aliens.

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Open House 7/20/18

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The Invasion

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Is the Media the Enemy of the People?

And,as Daniel Greenfield asks-“If an enemy controlled the media,would the news look any different?

Frontpage Magazine-Daniel Greenfield

From the article-

“Enemies hate you and want to destroy you. Do the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, CBS, and the whole alphabet soup of organizations with corporate headquarters in major cities really want to destroy the people who watch their programs, buy their papers and serve them soup after hours?

It seems implausible. But so did the Communists of the Khmer Rouge shooting everyone who wore glasses. Or North Korea’s multi-generational concentration camps, Nazi Germany diverting crucial resources from the war effort to kill Jews, or Venezuela shipping oil to Cuba while its people starve.”

For my part I believe the current crop of corporate media share the same ideolgy as the aforementioned groups.I can only hope that someday they meet the same fate as the nazis-

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‘Australia, It Vanished While We Slept

Like the concerned locals of Britain and, increasingly, of Europe, who every day must confront a new world not of their making, many Australians also feel something fundamental has changed. To put that sentiment in a few words,  ‘We have lost our country’
…The strangers come, and they remain strangers to us.  Unlike old fashioned incoming citizens, these twenty-first century arrivals are merely “based” in Australia. They carry Australian passports, but what else of their country’s heritage and culture is valued by them? Likewise our homegrown globalist millennials.  Yes, we have lost our country, just like the concerned Britons described by Murray, but to put it in such words is to tell only half a truth. Fact is, if we  have not ourselves given our country away, we have allowed our political and cultural masters to do so for us…’

A powerful piece in Quadrant

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NZ’s Phil Goff – the trough turd Auckland Mayor:

‘The New Zealand leg of Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux’s speaking tour has been denied the use of an Auckland Council auditorium, the city’s red-raggin’ mayor admiring his media profile while thundering about ‘hate speech’. This same parish-pump potentate raises no objection to Hezbollah.
….Where was his aversion to bona fide extremism when he allowed a pro-Hezbollah demonstration on a council site last month? Where was it when Fidel Castro was patting him on the back? Where was it when he met and literally held hands with infamous terrorist leader Yasser Arafat? So much for the hard line against anyone accused of “stirring up ethnic or religious tensions”. He’s even been accused of flying the Viet Cong (communist) flag from the Auckland cenotaph back in the day. No one violated his free speech rights when he threw paint and spat at veterans returning from Vietnam.
He insists, “The right to free speech does not mean the right to be provided with an @AklCouncil platform for that speech.”
Yes it does. It absolutely does. So does the New Zealand Human Rights Act which protects against discrimination based on political views.’

via Quadrant

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Open House 7/14/18

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Please say a prayer for Remus

of the Woodpile Report.

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