Hot weather makes us more stupider

It’s been 95F+ and 80%+ humidity here for the last two months.

Brain Study Finds People Actually Get Dumber During A Heat Wave

I’m taking this as an excuse and running with it 

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Whipping Post

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More Winning-

Trump Pardons Oregon Ranchers Dwight and Steven Hammond-

“Dwight Hammond, 76, and his son, Steven, 49, were convicted in 2012 for setting a fire that spread onto public grazing land.

The two were initially sentenced to less than the legal minimum five-year prison sentence for their crimes, but a federal judge in 2016 ordered the pair returned to serve the full five years, after the father had spent three months in prison and the son one year, according to 2012 court documents.

The order to return to prison inspired the refuge occupation. The White House in a statement on Tuesday called the order to return the two to prison “unjust.” As of 2018, Dwight had served approximately three years in prison and Steven had served four, according to the White House.”

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Trump taps Kavanaugh for SC nominee

Not my first pick-


The part that worries me-

“The 53-year-old Kavanaugh is a longtime fixture of the Republican establishment. He has been a judge on the federal appeals court in Washington since 2006. He also was a key aide to Kenneth Starr during the investigation of President Bill Clinton. Kavanaugh also worked in the White House during George W. Bush’s presidency.

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Death of an Empire

Britain,Europe’s latest vassal state,or Britain leaping on the ash heap of history?Either way,the will of the people be damned,full speed astern!


Continue reading

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Free speech in NZ? Hahahahahaha…

And Oscar Kightley is an ignorant fool.

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Open House 7/6/18

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I don’t know much about this guy….

…But I like him already 

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Brilliant Scientific Discovery!

Scientists Trace Heat Wave Source to Massive Star At Center of Solar System-

Read more-

“According to Kivens, the discovery has prompted researchers to explore the possibility that a variety of phenomena accompanying the heat wave could also be linked to the star, including taller grass, hot car seats, red skin burns, and sweating “even when one has just been standing there and hasn’t been running around or anything.”

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Just keep pushing and see what happens

The left are becoming more obnoxious by the day-


I hope the turd tries that with an armed adult next time.

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