Arsehole of the Week

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Soro’s Paid Shock Troops

Fun times at the G20-


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Fasten your seat belts.

Because it’s not just Australia, whatever the bankers and politicians who led us into this mess might claim:

‘It’s too late’: Seven signs Australia can’t avoid economic apocalypse

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The Great Meme War of 2017

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Leading from Behind?

Nope,it’s called backing your Commander’s play-

Legal Insurrection-

“he was told by top US commanders that “the most daring and decisive” attack in the battle of Raqqa would not have happened if it hadn’t been for President Trump’s decision to delegate authority to commanders in the field.”

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The American Mind

Ilana Mercer penned an excellent article on why most Americans have lost their way-

American Thinker-

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CNN @#FascistArseholes

Ever pushing the envelope of what is right and normal,CNN goes a step better and directly attacks a private citizen-

‘Extremely Unethical’ — CNN Draws Backlash After Threatening To ID Reddit User Behind Trump’s WWE Video

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July 4th 1776

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FBI agent indicted….

For making false statements in the Levoy Finicum shooting-

Read it here-

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Open House

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