Suspect in Chelsea bombing captured-

Suspect in Chelsea bombing captured,authorities say no connection to broader cell.

Suspect In Chelsea, Seaside Park Explosions Captured; Investigators Say ‘No Indication’ Of Broader Cell


No connection to a broader cell? That’s because there is only one cell and it’s called islam you fucking idiots!


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The Clinton Lie Ratchet

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More Papal horsecrap

and coded capitulation to barbarians:
‘Pope: Welcoming refugees helps keeps us safe from terrorism’
Cranking up the propaganda machine:
World leaders warn of rising xenophobia
Is it xenophobia when they really do want to kill you, destroy your culture and take over your country?

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Neomasculinity and why it is gaining traction Pt I

I’m going to start what will hopefully be a two part series on the subject of Neomasculinity,what it is and why men are beginning to flock to it.This will apply to single men of all ages from young adult to senior,but some of this may also apply if you are newly married and or have been for sometime.

First,a definition of terms-

Neomasculinity(NM) is defined as a lifestyle change where the desire is to separate oneself from the modern sexual status system that has resulted from the decades long war among the sexes that was begun by modern radical feminism.It differs from the MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way)movement in that whereas MGTOW is cynical and often takes on a negative view of women,NM seeks to make positive changes via personal improvement.At the same time where MGTOW tends to focus on the negative aspects of modern female attitudes,NM seeks to embrace the positive attributes,most often traditional attributes,women possess in a hope to convince them to do likewise and close the gulf that separates men and women.

So,what does neomasculinity entail?In a nutshell it means making better women by becoming better men.If you agree then by all means join the choir,if you disagree,then explain why.

1- A continual improvement of oneself in the hopes of attaining moral,and spiritual maturity and strength.Spiritual strength means understanding that tomorrow is yet to be born and it will be what we make of it and not what it makes of us.Always take the high road and always back your words with action,show the world that there is certainty in your purpose and unyielding courage in your convictions.

2-Studying and understanding the animal nature of the human species and how best to nurture it’s best attributes while minimizing it’s weakness.Identifying desirable traits and understanding what makes people and especially women tick.

3-Feed your intellect,avoid feeding your mind junk.Turn off the TV,quit going to the movies and become highly discriminating in what you allow into your train of thought.Hone the mind and the body will follow,your intellect is a deadly weapon,not a play toy.

4-Nourish and strengthen your body,lay off the whiskey and beer.Get into shape and get off the sofa,you have one body and only so many years of health,make the most of it.Let’s not forget,it’s much easier to attract a mate if your fit and odds are if you are,she will be as well.

5-Self reflection,look inside and examine yourself often.Compare your current state to the state of your goals,if you find yourself lacking,redouble your efforts,YOU are the one who can fix YOU.

6-Step up and take responsibility for your actions or lack there of.

7- Realize that you owe it to your culture to defend,repair and rebuild it and also it is your duty to replenish it through your offspring.It is a debt we owe our forefathers that the culture they sacrificed and died to bring into existence not perish from the Earth.

More to come in pt II.


“So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and grovel to none.

When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself. Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision.

When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home.”  –   Chief Tecumseh

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Drag it into the light-

Clinton’s dirty dealings in Haiti-

Thanks to Grog for the tip.


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Bwhahahaha Irony much?

Black Lives Matter activist robbed……calls for more police protection. :roll:

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10 Signs you’re a Basic Bitch

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Open house

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Eric Trump:-“Looks like we’re going to need a bigger basket”!

In response to Hillary’s “basket of deplorables ” comment-



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Is it any wonder why?


Hillary gets nothing but softball questions from the media?

Politico of all places-

“I don’t think that’s by accident. It’s by design, and that’s obviously a part of her campaign strategy,” said NBC’s Clinton embed, Monica Alba.

Clinton Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri denied any strategy behind granting interviews with female journalists, saying the campaign is simply going with the reporters who have been covering Clinton the most.



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