“I thought you should know”

Via Liberty’s Torch:

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Germany one year on

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NZ media: trivia rulez

Television “news” is no better. No wonder Kiwis have all the confidence and certitude of the utterly uninformed….they’re propagandised socialists yet utterly unaware of the real meaning of the word ‘socialism’.

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Open House

And feast your eyes on this-

A shiny new Woodpile report is up

The Quote of the Day comes from Brett Stevens over at Amerika:

Civilizations fail because they succeed. When they get wealthy and powerful, they start trying to make themselves “safe” and in doing so, breed a bumper crop of idiots. These idiots form an Idiot Defense League which demands democracy, and at that point the deal is sealed: the society will go down and die in the pocket, going to bed as an empire and waking up as a third-world slum.

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Nigel Farage-Trump rally Jackson Mississippi tonight!

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I’m beginning to see a pattern here

Mohammad in trouble in Minnesota –


Mohammad in Mississippi-


Mohammad in Virginia-


Hmmmm….not too many terrorists named Dave or Bob it seems ….I know,I know RAAAACCCCISSSST! 

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Documents need nailing down

Otherwise they are apt to walk off and go missing –

From Sharyl Attkisson

And if you haven’t read her work,Sharyl  is one of the very last straight journalists left,which is why she’s no longer working for the MSM.

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November 8,2016

That date will be a test,the result of that test will determine whether we succeed or fail,where there are enough of us or too many of them.I’m not going to let my guard down or my hopes get too high,but there are slivers of light shining around the edges of of the current storm clouds.One of them is what appears to be a major mis-calculation of Trump’s base-

From the New York Post-

“These Trump supporters are not the kind you find on Twitter saying dumb or racist things; many of them don’t have the time or the patience to engage in social media because they are too busy working and living life in real time.

These are voters who are intellectually offended watching the Affordable Care Act crumble because they warned six years ago that it was an unworkable government overreach.”

I hope and pray that what Trump has done is awaken a sleeping giant

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Hillary Hospital Signs

BRILLIANT! ‘Hillary Hospital’ Signs Welcome Hillary Clinton to LA for Her Hollywood Fundraising Gigs

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Whodda thunk it?

“Report shows no group of Americans are more law abiding than concealed carry holders”

PJ Media has it-

“We find that permit holders are convicted of misdemeanors and felonies at less than a sixth the rate for police officers,” the report says. “Among police, firearms violations occur at a rate of 16.5 per 100,000 officers. Among permit holders in Florida and Texas, the rate is only 2.4 per 100,000.10. That is just one-seventh of the rate for police officers.”

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