Would YOU trust a judge to be impartial?

New Zealand:
‘Rape trials could be heard before a judge alone – not a jury – under radical proposals before the Government.’
Given the abysmal performances of so many judges in this country in recent years, I wouldn’t. They’ve repeatedly demonstrated that they are unable to separate facts from emotions, that they exist as parrots for government policies, that they follow their own ideological leanings rather than impartially administer the law.
Trial by a jury of our peers is a fundamental right, and a government prepared to abandon that is a government with no respect for liberty – a government that cannot be trusted.
This outrage is driven entirely by feminist ideology. If rape justifies “trial” without jury, then why not child abuse and murder? Is rape somehow worse than that?

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Coming soon, to every Western country:

‘Election Fraud: Is Britain Finally Waking Up To The Disaster Of Multiculturalism?’   James Delingpole

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Christians forced to hide Bibles in Germany

Cause diversity is great,unless you’re a Christian or Jew-


And then from the BBC we have this –

Horse shit-

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Obama is leaving one more time bomb for the next president

If an economy in the dumper and a world spiraling towards war wasn’t enough,right out of the starting gate the next president will have the collapse of Obamacare on their plate-


I don’t think it’s a possible meltdown,I think it’s a certain meltdown,but that was always the plan wasn’t it?

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World Vision funds murder:

Top Christian Aid Organization’s Funds Go to Hamas

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Open House

Two Benghazi parents sue Hillary Clinton for wrongful death-


Normally I am not a fan of lawyers or litigation,however in this case I have to say -go get her boys! :twisted:

Breaking-Assange suggests Seth Rich was Wikileaks DNC source-


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It’s the company you keep

Orlando terrorist’s father spotted at Hillary rally-


“God will punish gays”


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Black pastors are breaking the law to get Hillary elected

The laws the dems love to break the most,are the ones they wrote-


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Free speech under attack in Australia:

‘ACT parliament passes religious vilification laws’

Proposed by a Greens scumbag, passed by cowards in order to protect a murderous ideology.
A shameful day for Australia.

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Hillary finally tells the truth

It was a Freudian slip,but meh…….


-“The most amusing part of this video is the sustained crowd cheer at the end. Were they even listening to Hillary, or just waiting for an applause sign to light up? The state of politics may have devolved into issue-free tribalism, but at least one could hope that voters still responded to actual words on the stump.”

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