VA administration spends $20 million on art

Tone deaf stupidity here-

From the article-

Specifically, artwork cost the VA $1.5 million between 2004 and 2007, and $16.2 million from 2008 to 2014. These expenses include artwork, art consulting, and restoration projects.

On top of these exorbitant expenditures, the VA spent an additional $2 million on “special projects.”

Leaving hundreds of thousands of veterans on waitlists while spending so much money on artwork undermines the American people’s faith in the VA.”


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‘Dangerous times for older white males with opinions’

‘…The boundaries of what counts as acceptable debate will shift with changing times but the range of opinion or comment that is regarded as deserving of condemnation seems to be widening quickly. The test is not objective and condemnation is not enough. People must be removed, silenced, censured and sacked…’    Link
The author doesn’t say so, but this urge to censor and punish comes almost entirely from the left. Show me a lefty and I’ll show you a closet totalitarian.

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Medal just for surviving

Trouble in Olympic paradise-

It’s that time again,time for the global corruption circle jerk aka the Olympics.

Zika,flesh eating bacteria,raw sewage and body parts washing up on the beach,it just gets better and better.Not having learned their lesson from Greece that it’s not a good idea to host the event in a third world country,this time around it was off to Rio.I have an idea, let’s host the next one in Calcutta 

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Already the bodies are piling up

ANOTHER MYSTERIOUS DEATH=> Activist and Sanders Supporter Who Served Papers to DNC on Fraud Case Found Dead


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A bit more mental than we thought

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Just another lone wolf

No need to worry,just another lone wolf Methodist-

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The French are insane

Video of riot police dragging a priest out of his cathedral-

From the Mirror

Thousands of mourners turned out to pay respect to the elderly priest, who was murdered by jihadists as he delivered mass in a church in St Étienne-du-Rouvray, Normandy.

Social media users took to Twitter to express their shock at the protesting priest being dragged out of Sainte Rita, which is due to be demolished and turned into a car park.

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Open House

November 9th will be interesting indeed-


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Islam: A Religion Hijacked?

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Billion Dollar Diplomacy

Or how the traitor sold us all out-

The Obama administration secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran that coincided with the January release of four Americans detained in Tehran, according to U.S. and European officials and congressional staff briefed on the operation afterward.

Wooden pallets stacked with euros, Swiss francs and other currencies were flown into Iran on an unmarked cargo plane, according to these officials. The U.S. procured the money from the central banks of the Netherlands and Switzerland, they said.

Funding terror the world over no doubt :evil: :evil:

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