Oh I’m Sure This Will Work

Much,much more useful rape prevention video-

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Where is our Leonidas?

History repeats, Greece once again on the frontlines of a new muslim invasion-


Once again, and again, the crowd is all young, violent males, a conquering army by any normal metric. No one in their right minds would allow them in…but then again, Greece is in the Eunuch Union and I doubt there will be another Thermopylae Pass….

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MAGA Make Arden Go Away

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The Latest Woodpile Report is Up


Please also keep Uncle Remus and his wife in your prayers.

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Nothing to see here…move along

“UK government releasing report on the ethnicity of rape gangs, not in the public’s interest-


“Boris Johnson’s government has refused to release a report on the ethnic background of grooming gangs, saying it is not in “the public interest” and would deprive ministers of a “safe space” to shape policy.”

SAFE? That’s the problem, the ministers are already too safe. And no mention of a “safe space” so UK women and girls don’t get set upon and raped by packs of perverted 7th century throwbacks?

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Open House 2/22/20

Trump flips 9th circuit court-

LA Times-

When President Trump ticks off his accomplishments since taking office, he frequently mentions his aggressive makeover of a key sector of the federal judiciary — the circuit courts of appeal, where he has appointed 51 judges to lifetime jobs in three years.

In few places has the effect been felt more powerfully than in the sprawling 9th Circuit, which covers California and eight other states. Because of Trump’s success in filling vacancies, the San Francisco-based circuit, long dominated by Democratic appointees, has suddenly shifted to the right, with an even more pronounced tilt expected in the years ahead.

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Whatever It Takes

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Hmmm…the spin from the left on this one will be epic

Trump taps Ric Grenell for director of ODNI –


“Under federal law, Trump faced a March 12 deadline to appoint Maguire as his permanent nominee or to pick another acting director from those currently holding Senate-confirmed positions. In turning to Grenell to oversee the country’s 17 intelligence agencies and hold a position that each president since George W. Bush has employed differently, Trump will have a notoriously outspoken former political operative whose tenure as the top diplomat to one of America’s strongest allies has prompted broad criticism. Trump will also have a loyalist within his administration overseeing the intelligence services that the president has routinely criticized, including as having “run amok,” which he said when first appointing Ratcliffe to the DNI job.”

Grenell is most assuredly NOT a swamp creature

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2020 The Year Push Back Begins

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Open House 2/16/20

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