NZ Jackboots are at it again

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A sad life these invertebrates must have.

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Finally Cleaning House

Trump fires 70 Obama hold overs from the National Security Council-

Clean House: Trump Fires 70 Obama Holdovers From National Security Council

More, faster please!


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Open House 2/9/20

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Everyone is equal, except for some who are more equal than others….

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Clown World

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Kick The Bum Out

Mitt Romney in full demorat plumage-


“Romney, the 2012 failed Republican presidential candidate, announced on the Senate floor Wednesday that he will vote to convict President Trump of obstruction of Congress and abusing the office of the presidency.

“The president is guilty of an appalling abuse of public trust,” Romney said.”

Trump isn’t the traitor Mittens, but I know who is



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Why It’s Like Someone Just Stepped On Her Grave


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Open House 2/2/20

Students demand divestment from fossil fuels-

Students demanded divestment from fossil fuels, a professor offered to turn off the gas heating

Professor Parker responded with a provocative offer. “I am not able to arrange any divestment at short notice,” he wrote. “But I can arrange for the gas central heating in college to be switched off with immediate effect. Please let me know if you support this proposal.”      

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Uh Oh!

Trump’s approval among Black voters hits 42% with 32% “who Strongly Approve 

Rasmussen – Trump approval with black voters jumps to 42%…

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