Open House 3/14/20

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A Bit of Contrast

“Stocks rebound as president presents “All of America” program to fight Coronavirus”


President Donald Trump unleashed a huge rally in stocks on Friday as he promised to “unleash every authority, tool, and resource” to combat the coronavirus pandemic.

Compare that to-

Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker, made a short address prior to the White House event in which she outlined the Democrat proposals but made no mention of working with Republicans or the White House. She did not take questions from the press. This sparked concern that Democrat leaders had decided to pursue their own agenda rather than cooperation with the Trump administration. Major indexes sank following her address.

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We’re all gonna die!!!!!

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Those that claim to preach tolerance…

Are often the least tolerant of all.

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A Big Win

On Tuesday the SCOTUS struck a huge victory for State’s Rights-


“The Kansas law had been used to prosecute three illegal aliens who had stolen the social security numbers of other people. The five conservative justices voted to overturn a decision by the liberal-dominated Kansas Supreme Court.

For decades, the ACLU and other liberal attorneys have been pushing the theory that any time Congress passes a law in an area, any state law in the same area that can somehow be imagined to differ with the purposes of Congress is pre-empted and invalid. Using the phrase “purposes and objectives of Congress” pre-emption, they invite activist judges to muse about policy and to strike down state laws that contrast with the unstated policy objectives of Congress. Never mind that the purpose of a law is often unstated. And the 535 members of Congress may have 535 different reasons for their votes.”

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Open House 3/6/20

Two more senior Iranian officials die of Coronavirus –


So where is the downside?

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How Rockets Are Made

About an hour, but worth it if you find the subject interesting

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Mini-Mike and Fauxcahontas Are Out

Mini-Mike is out after blowing $600 million and Warren is out after failing to win even her own state primary-


But the best part, is watching Trump troll them all on Twitter-

“President Trump reacted to Warren’s departure by accusing her of damaging Sanders’ prospects of winning the Democrat nomination, stating she should have dropped out prior to Super Tuesday, which would have freed up her supporters to vote for the Vermont senator instead. “Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren, who was going nowhere except into Mini Mike’s head, just dropped out of the Democrat Primary…THREE DAYS TOO LATE. She cost Crazy Bernie, at least, Massachusetts, Minnesota and Texas. Probably cost him the nomination! Came in third in Mass,” the president tweeted.”

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Chris Matthews Resigns

MSNBC  Hardball host Chris Matthews has resigned his post effective immediately-


As for myself,  I could care less, his fifteen minutes are up, off he goes. However I would like to point out a few things less obvious.

“Longtime MSNBC host Chris Matthews abruptly retired from his “Hardball” show on Monday, apologizing for making inappropriate comments about women”

I’m calling BS on that, so what’s the real reason?

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Stick a Fork In Drudge, he’s done

Many of you may already know this, but Matt Drudge sold the Drudge Report awhile back. Since the sale, it has taken a turn left. In light of that, here is a handy list of replacements, feel free to add any I have missed-

The Bongino Report

And what could also be very good news-

Personally I would like to see Dorsey kicked to the curb and replaced by someone hard right.

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