Capitalism: Doing what government can’t do

From an interview with Mike Rowe-

Mike Rowe: Coronavirus Crisis Could Be ‘Most Compelling Case for Capitalism That We’ve Seen in Our Lifetime’

Rowe cited companies such as GM – which last week announced plans to ramp up production of ventilators — and 3M — which the financial website StreetInsider reported has doubled its production of respirators – as examples of capitalism responding.

“We have these big conversations about what direction the country is headed and what direction the country ought to be headed,” he said.

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As Always

“The people our loser elite look down on are saving our Bacon”

Town Hall -Kurt Schlichter

“Here are some people who are useless, especially now: Performance artists, diversity consultants, magic crystal healers, sociology TAs, members of the mainstream media, and gender-unspecified entities who brew kale kombucha.

Here are some people who matter, especially now: Soldiers, nurses, truckers, cops, the guy who stocks the shelves at Ralphs, farmers, and that dude rebuilding your roof.”

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Victor Davis Hanson has been keeping score

China Boomeranging-

National Review-

Call it paradox, irony, karma, or even tragedy, but China emerges from its deceit about the coronavirus outbreak in its weakest position since its Westernization began under Deng Xiaoping. And the U.S., after some rocky months ahead, if it stays calm, will likely reemerge in its strongest state in memory vis-à-vis its rivals.

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Open House 3/21/20

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As if toilet paper Zombies weren’t bad enough

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Nail meet Hammer

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The “Petri Dish” That Tells Us the Pandemic Panic Is Overblown

Here’s the informative chart from Silicon Gray Beard’s important post:

Far Lower infection rates that we're being told

Read the rest here:

Remember the Flu Boat?

I’m fed up with the world’s despots. How about you?

Hat tip to Liberty’s Torch

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Don’t Worry, It’ll Be Fine

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The Media’s Lies So Far

Article in Breitbart today outlining the media’s lies about Trump’s handling of the outbreak-


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Maybe Some Good News

First vaccine trials begin today-

And this is the third article I have seen on this drug combination in as many days-


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