Open House 4/4/20

Sweden’s gamble-

The Commentator-

Right now, Sweden’s death rate from coronavirus is 33 per million of the population. In France it is 83. In Italy it is 230. In Britain it is 43. In the Netherlands it is 78.

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Media: Trump Wrong Again!

…..Oh, wait-

Daily Mail-

Doctors around the world say hydroxychloroquine, which was touted by Trump, is the best treatment they’ve used on coronavirus patients in survey of 6,200 medics


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End of the EU?

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Not Social Distancing

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Finally someone asking the right questions

Italian scientists investigate possible earlier emergence of Coronavirus-

Italian researchers are looking at whether a higher than usual number of cases of severe pneumonia and flu in Lombardy in the last quarter of 2019 may be a signal that the new coronavirus might have spread beyond China earlier than previously thought.

He told Reuters he could not give exact figures but “hundreds” more people than usual had been taken to hospital in the last three months of 2019 in those areas – two of Lombardy’s worst hit cities – with pneumonia and flu-like symptoms, and some of those had died.

If this pans out, it would explain a lot of things and possibly that what we are seeing now is actually the second wave of C-19

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Kinda what we figured all along huh?

C-19 not as bad as the models predicted-

He said that expected increases in National Health Service capacity and ongoing restrictions to people’s movements make him “reasonably confident” the health service can cope when the predicted peak of the epidemic arrives in two or three weeks. UK deaths from the disease are now unlikely to exceed 20,000, he said, and could be much lower.”
His comments come as a team at the University of Oxford released provisional findings of a different model that they say shows that up to half the UK population could already have been infected. The model is based on different assumptions to those of Ferguson and others involved in advising the UK government.”

Gee, wonder if these guys did the climate modeling as well?


CNN: This just in, Trump over reacts to virus outbreak 

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When a Hobby goes well beyond a Passion

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Open House 3/28/20

“Those who can should work from home”

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Reactionary Globalists’ Draconian Response to WuFlu Due to This

Free humanity followed the leader for so long we got in the habit. In the process we rose to obtain enough personal prosperity that our presence really annoyed our elites (as represented by the angered trend-setter in this vignette.)

But we refused to be led off the cliff when we turned away the elites’ anointed one, Hillary. And we have now gotten in the habit of turning our backs on all those who see us as deplorables, same as she. We told them to kiss our butts!

The elites were incensed!
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Why? Because this whole debacle was planned

Michael Snyder on why hundreds of CEO’s resigned shortly before the world went crazy-

“In the months prior to the most ferocious stock market crash in history and the eruption of the biggest public health crisis of our generation, we witnessed the biggest exodus of corporate CEOs that we have ever seen.  And as you will see below, corporate insiders also sold off billions of dollars worth of shares in their own companies just before the stock market imploded.  In life, timing can be everything, and sometimes people simply get lucky.  But it does seem odd that so many among the corporate elite would be so exceedingly “lucky” all at the same time.  In this article I am not claiming to know the motivations of any of these individuals, but I am pointing out certain patterns that I believe are worth investigating.”

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