Some Observations

Spotted on another blog-

From an anonymous UPS delivery driver…

5 types of customers since the “rona”:

1) Steve: He has been waiting for this moment his whole life. He has been drinking boilermakers since 10:00 am in his recliner and his AR is within arms reach. He has 6 months provisions in the basement and a bug out bag due west buried in the woods. Steve demands a handshake as I give him his package. He’s sizing me up as I deliver his ammo. Steve will survive this, and he will kill you if he needs to.

2) Brad: He is standing at his window wearing skinny jeans and a Patagonia t-shirt. He is mad because there were no organic tomatoes at Whole Foods today. He points at the ground where he has taped a 6 ft no go zone line from his porch. I leave his case of Fuji water, organic granola bites, and his new “Bernie Bro” hat at the tape. Brad will not survive. Steve will probably eat him.

3) Nancy: She has sprayed everything with Thieves oil. Bought all the Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, meat, and bread from the local grocery chain. She has quarantined her kids and sprays them with a mixture of thieves, lavender, & mint essential oils daily. She has posted every link known to man about “The Rona” on her social media. She will spray you if you break the 6 ft rule. I will leave her yet another case of toilet paper. She will last longer than Brad, but not Steve.

4) Karen: She has called everybody and read them the latest news on “The Rona”. She asked for the manager at Food Lion, Walmart, Publix, McDonald’s, Chi-Fil-A, and Vons all before noon demanding more toilet paper. Karen’s kids are currently faking “The Rona” to avoid her. I’m delivering “Hello Kitchen” to her. Karen will not survive longer than Brad.

5) Mary: Is sitting in the swing watching her kids have a water balloon fight in the front yard as she is on her fourth glass of wine. She went to the store and bought 2 cases of pop tarts, 6 boxes of cereal, 8 bags of pizza rolls, And a 6 roll pack of toilet paper. There is a playlist of Bob Marley, Pink Floyd, and Post Malone playing in the background. I’m bringing her second shipment of 15 bottles of wine in 3 days. Mary will survive and marry Steve. Together they will repopulate the earth.

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Some Jokes Just Keep On Giving

A plane has five passengers on board: Donald Trump, the Pope, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Hillary Clinton, and a ten-year-old girl.

The plane is about to crash and there are only four parachutes.

Dr. Fauci said, “I need one, I have to help develop a cure for COVID19!” He straps on a parachute and jumps.

The Pope said “I need one, I have to help spiritually guide people through the global health crisis that is COVID19!” He takes one and jumps.

Hillary said, “I need one, I’m the smartest woman in the world.” She takes one and jumps.

President Trump pauses for a moment, then turns to the young girl. After a deep sigh, he says tenderly, “You can have the last parachute. I’ve lived my life, yours is just beginning.”

The girl replies, “Don’t worry, there are two parachutes left. The smartest woman in the world is wearing my bookbag.”

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Incorrect leadership, breeds incorrect policy

Opinion piece in the Daily Caller, on the effect incorrect policy has on elections-

Daily Caller-

From the write up-

“Apologists will defend Governor Cuomo as well as the specialists whose projections were so astronomically off by arguing that the curve flattened faster due to the adherence of those stay-at-home and economic shutdown policies.

But that is not true.

On March 24, Governor Cuomo said the opposite, in fact.  He reported that stay-at-home was not working, that the curve was increasing, not flattening, and that 26,000 New Yorkers were going to die because the President wasn’t sending enough ventilators. The data that caused him to make this declaration was an increase in test availability, which led to a massive spike of infected cases during that week. My third grader has completed his math assignment and can now explain the mistake the governor made.

The fatality rate being used to forecast how many of those new active cases would lead to death was…not even close.

Policy makers had, and still have, no idea what the real infection rate or death rate was or is. The death rate of tested and confirmed cases that have been reported is 4.6% in New York and 0.8% in Utah. Still unknown are positive cases not tested, tested but still awaiting results, or people who already had it in December, January, or February, have recovered, and now carry antibodies (denominator). And we still don’t know the fatalities from before we started counting (numerator).”

Continue reading

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Open House 4/11/20

This is America?


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Don’t ever wear green for a public appearance

LOL :lol:

Don’t do this-

All in good fun, and from what I know of her, she probably got a good chuckle out of it.


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Another reason the Pope is an Idiot

Pope Francis said he believes the Chinese coronavirus pandemic is “certainly nature’s response” to humanity’s failure to address the “partial catastrophes” wrought by human-induced climate change.

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Maybe it’s not a flaw, but a feature?

The UK joins a growing number of governments around the world demanding refunds for faulty Chinese made virus test kits and medical equipment-


China’s efforts to rebrand itself as a global leader focused on humanitarian relief amid the coronavirus outbreak has hit a major snag and perhaps revealed Beijing’s true intentions behind their public relations blitz. After telling the world that it would donate masks, face guards and testing equipment to Italy, China quietly backtracked and sold the Mediterranean country desperately-needed medical equipment, according to a report. What’s worse is that the personal protective equipment (PPE) China forced Italy to buy was actually the same PPE Italy donated to China before coronavirus rushed its own shores and killed nearly 16,000 people.

Western governments need to begin targeting CCP owned companies and CCP official’s assets for sanction and seizure. Start expelling Chinese nationals and shutter their embassies. The CCP must be destroyed.

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Carrying the Chicom’s Water

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Polish those Jackboots and square those Armbands

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Ban the Bags….

No, the re-usable ones!

More plastic bag bans being completely reversed

“Now the policy has been reversed overnight and shoppers can’t bring their reusable bags to the stores. It’s not at all unlikely that stores will be running out of disposable bags in short order and it will take time to restock. So people looking to go out and purchase whatever food remains on the shelves may find themselves with no options for carrying their groceries to their environmentally-friendly electric cars.”

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