No, wait, tell us how you really feel

Bernie Sanders field staffer caught on tape-

#Expose2020 – PART 1: Bernie 2020 Field Organizer States “F***ing Cities Will Burn” if Trump Wins Re-Election; Calls for Violence, Mass Murder of Opposition, and “Reign of Terror”

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More Respect For America Than The Left

Iranian student protesters refuse to walk on the American and Israeli flags-


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Roger Scruton

The conservative philosopher and writer Sir Roger Scruton has died at the age of 75 following a six-month battle with cancer-


Sir Roger was known for his activism in Communist-controlled eastern Europe during the Cold War, and supported underground education networks. For his work in supporting dissidents in Czechoslovakia, he was awarded the Medal of Merit by the Czech government in 1998.

In June 2019, Polish president Andrej Duda awarded Scruton the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland for his support of the anti-Communist struggle.

His most recent honour was given by the Hungarian government last month, when Prime Minister Viktor Orban awarded him the Commander’s Cross with Star of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary for the writer’s dedication to freedom in Europe.

Presented from the Hungarian embassy in London, Prime Minister Orban said: “Our dear professor taught us that conservatism is not an ideology but rather the polar opposite of one.”

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1984 Doesn’t Scratch The Surface

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Open House 1/10/20

Knob Creek Machine gun shoot 2019……because we can Mini-gun at 2:10 Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp

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More Please!

CNN settles $275million lawsuit filed by Covington Catholic student Nicholas Sandmann-

National Review-

“Sandmann sought $275 million from CNN over its coverage of the confrontation he and his classmates had with an elderly Native American man while visiting Washington, D.C., on a school trip in January of last year. The amount of the settlement was not made public during a hearing at the federal courthouse in Covington on Tuesday, according to a local Fox affiliate.

“CNN brought down the full force of its corporate power, influence, and wealth on Nicholas by falsely attacking, vilifying, and bullying him despite the fact that he was a minor child,” reads the suit, which was filed in March 2019.

Sandmann and his family still have lawsuits pending against NBC Universal and the Washington Post over their coverage of the incident. The Sandmann family sought a combined $800 million in damages from CNN, the Post, and NBC Universal.

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The Current US/Iran Dynamic By The Numbers

Who better to give detailed analysis on Iran than the people who’s very survival depends on it-

“Executive Summary: The targeting of Qassem Soleimani, commander
of the Quds Force and arguably the second most powerful man in Iran
after Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is a major blow to the
Islamic Republic of Iran. His death will likely result in a devastating
chain of suspicion and insecurity in Iran’s nodes of power.
At first glance, one might think otherwise. The Islamic Republic and
its proxies in Iraq and Lebanon have been, in the past two months,
the target of massive demonstrations against the Iran-backed militias.
Iranian consulates have been burned in, of all places, the Shiite holy
cities of Najaf and Karbala in Iraq. Instead of “Yankee Go Home”, the
protesters chanted “Iran, bara, bara”—“Iran Go Home” in Arabic.”

A good, concise read and well worth the time if you want a no nonsense assessment IMO.

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Does Anyone Believe It Wasn’t Shot Down?

Oh, wait, I guess the Iranians will claim it was “mechanical failure”-

On Same Night Iran Fires Missiles – Ukraine Passenger Flight Leaving Tehran Airport Crashes Killing 170….

Of course they are refusing to turn the flight recorders over to Boeing. Engine failures don’t normally allow an aircraft that size to continue gaining altitude and maintain airspeed, they also don’t typically puncture the cockpit with shrapnel.

Jerusalem Post-

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Virtue Signaling Gone Wild

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