We are so screwed as a species

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They would be proud of Jacinda Arden and her rabble.

Stalin, Hitler and other assorted thugs, that is. Thugs who always used restrictions on free speech and disarming people before murdering them in their millions.

A couple of weeks ago, Jacinda Ardern was asked what speech her Government would target. She replied: “When you see it, you know it.”

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Obviously it was a waste….

The blood and treasure spent defending Great Britain against the Nazis.

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Armed NZ police visit a guy

and refuse to disclose the reason for the visit because they’re being recorded. Over 300 comments under the clip already – a lot of Kiwis are very pissed off. And STILL the so-called “opposition” party is silent!
(Thanks to ‘Simpleton1’ for this)

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Open House 5/9/19

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U.P. Big Boy 4014 Back in Service!

Fresh from the back shops after a complete rebuild –

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Of course, the NZ media is reporting this.


‘More than 600 rockets fired at Israel from Gaza in less than 24 hours, death toll rises’

But of course, it’ll be full of stories about “Israeli brutality” over the next few days and totally absent will be the truth about members of the Religion of Peace using schools and hospitals as cover for their rocket launchers.

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Are Renewables Cheaper?

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It’s Not Insanity,It’s Open War

It’s Not Trump Deragement Syndrome,it’s much worse-

A write up by Karin McQuillan-

American Greatness-

“The Democrats don’t believe in our two-party system anymore. They utterly reject American civic norms of treating the president with a modicum of respect and cooperation. They don’t want to alternate presidential power every four or eight years. They think theirs is the only party that deserves to be elected.

Before Trump was a gleam in their eye, Democrats saw themselves as the only morally valid people in the country. They don’t want individual rights anymore, only group rights. They want Republicans and dissenting liberals to be silenced.  Silencing is too good for us—they want us publicly shamed, if need be physically attacked, and any contrary ideas hounded out of the public and the private square.”

Hat tip to Michael for finding this piece

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Banned by the Gestapo….Uh…I mean Facebook

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