Not Forgotten

Remembering the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam war,to all who served,the government may have, but we have not-Thank you!

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14 Responses to Not Forgotten

  1. Darin says:

    Hmm…couldn’t get the video not to post as embedded???

  2. Ronbo says:

    TAPS for the heroes of the American and Allied armed forces who won the Vietnam War in military terms in 1973 and withdrew from the field with honor, a treaty and their POWS – but were stabbed in the back during 1975 by a Democrat Congress that cut off all military and foreign aid to South Vietnam with the result that the country fell to the well equipped by Russia – Communist Vietnamese tank armies. :evil:

  3. Oswald Bastable says:

    So many of the sergeants and corporals above me had just returned form Vietnam a few years before I joined up- I learnt a hell of a lot from those men!

  4. Seneca III says:

    That really cracked me up, that did.

  5. Seneca III says:

    My old battalion, 8RAR (Viet Nam, Nov ’69-Nov’70):

    …new faces, same honour, same commitment.

  6. Ronbo says:


    …and where is the mighty U.S. Navy Pacific Fleet to back up our allies :?:

    San Diego…tied to the dock, out of fuel and no available crews. :cry:

    • Darin says:

      Personally I hope Tony Abbott stomps a mud puddle in that sawed off little bolsheviks arse :twisted:

      Obama and Putin=fellow travelers :evil: