Open house

Can Kiwis trust the police?  Mostly, I think they can. But this item throws an interesting light on their top brass…..

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41 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    ‘EMAILS OBTAINED by the Associated Press show the WHO waited to declare the Ebola outbreak in West Africa an emergency because of political reasons, which some argue may have cost more lives.
    …they held off on declaring an emergency in part because it could have angered the countries involved, interfered with their mining interests or restricted the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca in October…’

  2. KG says:

    ‘BROWNSVILLE, Texas — The U.S. Government lied to a federal judge, misrepresented facts and illegally gave 100,081 illegal aliens immigration status despite a pending lawsuit and an injunction. That is the argument that attorneys representing Texas and more than two dozen other states made.

    • Ronbo says:

      It’s just like the old days of 19th century immigration to America – OPEN BORDERS.

      If you can afford the plane/boat/railroad ticket to America, you’re in like Flint…

      However, the difference is between Flint’s days coming in from starvation Ireland and instant USA citizenship is that today’s immigrant gets a $30,000 government check for U.S. Income taxes never paid and lifetime welfare benefits with only one small string attached – you must vote Democrat :!:

  3. Odakyu-sen says:

    From the Herald:
    “A 16-year-old boy who police say drank nine litres of wine was found unconscious in a mall yesterday. In a tweet about 6.30pm, Manukau police said the teenager was found outside a mall and taken to hospital by ambulance.”

    :?: I didn’t know they drank red wine in Manukau.

    • Ronbo says:

      Whatever you can steal :!: I wonder if it was that there fancy French wine they sell at $50.00 for a small glass :?: If so the lad will have one hellva bar tab when he sobers up :!: Hell hath no fury like a bartender who gets stiffed on the tab. :mrgreen:

  4. Wombat says:

    The police are no longer an organisation dedicated to solving a problem. They are a bunch of rats running an endless maze of politically correct procedural process maps.

    Like a computer with a memory leak or a program that stumbles into an unproductive loop.

    Fine by me. The sooner the herd realizes that the sheepdog has no teeth, the sooner we can start replacing them with some hardy rams.

    • Darin says:

      There was a time when Police practiced passive enforcement,they walked the beat,had working relations with the people in the community and that arrangement headed off criminal activity before it got started.

      Now they are into active enforcement and are nothing more than revenue collectors for city hall.Holder,for example because he is consumed by race missed the mark in his assessment of the Ferguson PD.The crime is not that blacks disproportionately received more tickets and fines,but that in a township with just 35,000 people they managed 17,000 tickets and citations in a one month period regardless of color :evil:

      • KG says:

        Incompetent police have their uses, though……the day may come when we value that incompetence. :twisted:

        • Darin says:

          Yes,WTSHTF the cop shop will be a one stop convenience store,guns,ammo,armored cars :twisted: :twisted:

  5. KG says:

    ‘Lawyer with inoperable brain tumour asks court to allow her to die on her own terms.’
    She can.
    Painkillers, a bottle of scotch and start the car, lower the garage door….
    I don’t believe a doc should be prosecuted for helping someone in these circumstances die a decent death, and the choice should belong to the person who is ill, nobody else.
    But it’s not a simple matter and although the law ought to be changed there are some real concerns abut the potential for abuse.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      There’s the rub KG, it always ends in abuse, just look at the Netherlands.

    • Cadwallader says:

      I agree. There are many fights over the estates of dead relatives as it is. The proposal to enable euthanasia may accelerate the timing of these fights. I believe that euthanasia is moral and dignified in principle but the shadowy interests of the surviving beneficiaries could readily blight this. No easy answer here.

      • Darin says:

        Everyone I’ve known who is in support of it over here always dismisses the abuse/greed point as a “slippery slope argument”as if slippery slopes are like Unicorns and don’t exist. :roll:

        • KG says:

          Yeah, smart-asses are always ready to poke fun and sneer at “slippery slope” arguments. It’s no coincidence that most of those are leftists.
          The slippery slope is what’s enabled their Gramscian evil to flourish.

  6. Flashman says:

    Having lived in a police state, here’re the RoEs for dealing with members of a regimented clan-entity who are often more dodgy than the crims they put in prison:

    1. You heard nothing, saw nothing, know nothing.

    2. All involuntary contact should be conducted in forgettable, gray-man mode.

    3. All voluntary contact should avoided or managed at an irreduceable minimum.

    4. Never socialize with them. Never.

    5. Avoid eye-contact in public places. Look ahead, look at the ground, look normal, look busy.

    6. If necessary, you have no comment until sitting touching elbows with your legal representative.

    • KG says: Spot-on!

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      #6 is good advice anywhere.

      • Cadwallader says:

        You’ve got it…”nobody needs a fireman until his house is on fire, while nobody needs a lawyer until he is on fire!” I was given that advice 40 years ago as a recently admitted lawyer. I dug my son out of a scrape with law-enforcement a decade ago. Had I not been there in full aggressive mode he’d have been bull-dozed right around the smelly little interview room. I still see the particular cop around town and it is HE who doesn’t make eye-contact with me as he knows I could’ve smashed him and his collectivized ego in a Courtroom. I become close to tumescence just pondering the prospect!
        The very nature of a police force is that of a collective, that is one mind-set with sufficient anonymity within to avoid personal responsibility for intolerable brutishness. The young members of the force seem to lack education and judgment hence they do dumb things to dumb people with little accountability.

        • KG says:

          Exactly so, Cad.

          • Cadwallader says:

            Just don’t come “close to tumescence” like me! :razz:

            • KG says:

              Is there any other state? :twisted:
              By the way, I bought “Criminal Evidence” by Richard May from the local antique shop for $1. Fascinating stuff. :grin:

              • Cadwallader says:

                Great read. When you’re finished it try “The Moral Arc” by Michael Shermer which has the central point that science and reason create morality.

                • KG says:

                  I’ll see if I can get it at a reasonable price, Cad. All my books have to be secondhand nowadays.

  7. Michael in Nelson says:
  8. Darin says:

    Manatees in danger if coal fired power plants are shut down-

  9. KG says:

    Cut it anyway!
    ‘SC SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM throws down the gauntlet, warning the White House he’ll move to cut funding to the United Nations if the administration turns to the international body to lift sanctions on Iran as part of a nuclear deal.’

    • Darin says:

      Lindsey Graham :shock: when did he finally sprout some balls?

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        He’s still gonna vote to confirm Loretta Lynch.

        If John McCain’s bastard son is talking tough on any issue at all, there must be an election coming up.

        • Darin says:

          Or it could be simple payback,Graham did lobby Boeing hard to get their new assembly facility built in South Carolina.But at the last minute the union complained and Obama’s rigged labor relations board threw the bone back to the union .

    • Cadwallader says:

      I despair at the thought of him being sacked. He is one of a very few in the msm who says what he THINKS as opposed to burbling schooled feelings! I recall some of his hilarious comments e.g. when test-driving a Bentley.”This is like driving a cathedral.”

  10. Ronbo says:

    As we Crusaders had determined months ago when it was ordered by O’Dumber – women can’t hack it in the combat arms – especially the infantry:

    *For those of you who don’t know “60 Minutes” is usually a leftist organ that spews stinking Progressive shit all over the place, but in this case they actually told the truth.

  11. Wombat says:

    “Patrick Moore, Ph.D., has been a leader in international environmentalism for more than 40 years. He cofounded Greenpeace…”

    I suspect the globalist envirofascists will put out a fatwa on him in 3… 2… 1… :mrgreen: