Our Battle Of Britain

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‘Anzac Day Police State’

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‘The West must stand against barbarism’

Brendan O’Neill hits one out of the park.

A weak and morally disoriented West that will not strongly condemn the nihilistic ideology behind the slaughter of Christians in Sri Lanka, or the bombing of children in Manchester, or the gunning down of rock fans in Paris, is a West that cannot feign surprise when such violence continues. It is no longer enough to say “That’s awful” and then move on; we need a serious reckoning with the war on Christians, the rise of seventh-century barbarism, and the collapse of any semblance of moral restraint among the new terrorists.

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Not Forgotten

For a debt we can never repay..

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Open House

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“Easter Worshippers”?

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Celebrating Earthday 2019

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Probably right wing extremists hey, Jacinda?

Simultaneous explosions hit churches and hotels in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, killing at least 30 people and wounding at least 280.

Update:  129 156 190 207 290 killed, 500 injured.

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‘Climate Change: The Facts’

Was the BBC’s Biggest Lie Ever
‘…Even by the BBC’s abysmal standards, this programme was a disgrace: an insult to the intelligence, a betrayal of the Reithian principles on which the BBC was founded, and a shameless piece of propaganda on behalf of the watermelons who would destroy our civilisation.
As for Sir David Attenborough, it’s time this whispery voiced, gorilla hugging, walrus scaring Malthusian was recognised for what he is: not as a national treasure but as a national embarrassment long, long past his sell-by date.’

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A quick question.

Who Is Julian Assange really?

Who is he really?I see four possibilites-

1 He really is the deep state’s Kryptonite and they finally got him.

2 Trump now that the Mueller probe is over is shifting to going after Hillary and company and Assange really does have the goods and the feds under Barr are bringing him in for safe keeping.

3 He is just a garden variety shit stirrer and moocher that Ecuador got tired cleaning up after.

4 He’s just another media diversion to take attention away from a different corner of reality.

Personally I am leaning towards #3.We have been hearing that “Wikileaks is gonna do this,wikileaks is gonna do that” for years and with the exception of embarrassing a few governments,nothing significant has happened that I know of.There have been no Earth shattering secrets revealed and how do you really embarrass governments that have no shame in the firstplace?

It looks increasingly like he’s a homeless bum that got free rent and his 15 minutes of fame courtesy of the taxpayers.

What say you?

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