A quick question.

Who Is Julian Assange really?

Who is he really?I see four possibilites-

1 He really is the deep state’s Kryptonite and they finally got him.

2 Trump now that the Mueller probe is over is shifting to going after Hillary and company and Assange really does have the goods and the feds under Barr are bringing him in for safe keeping.

3 He is just a garden variety shit stirrer and moocher that Ecuador got tired cleaning up after.

4 He’s just another media diversion to take attention away from a different corner of reality.

Personally I am leaning towards #3.We have been hearing that “Wikileaks is gonna do this,wikileaks is gonna do that” for years and with the exception of embarrassing a few governments,nothing significant has happened that I know of.There have been no Earth shattering secrets revealed and how do you really embarrass governments that have no shame in the firstplace?

It looks increasingly like he’s a homeless bum that got free rent and his 15 minutes of fame courtesy of the taxpayers.

What say you?

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Notre Dame Cathedral Gone

Daily Mail-

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(thanks to D.T. for the link)  If Kiwis and Aussies read nothing else, they urgently need to read this.

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Open House 4/13/19

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My Suspicions Confirmed!

Texas Research Scientist says Beef Brisket might actually be good for you!

Texas Research Scientist Says Brisket Might be Good for You

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Six minutes of truth.

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Duty of Care?

More like outright suppression of free speech and persecution of anyone who dare dissent-


UK to unleash internet safety Czar on Google,Facebook,Twitter-

The UK government is taking a hard line when it comes to online safety, moving to establish what it says is the world’s first independent regulator to keep social media companies in check.

Companies that fail to live up to requirements will face huge fines, and senior directors who are proven to have been negligent will be held personally liable. They may also find access to their sites blocked.

The new measures, designed to make the internet a safer place, were announced jointly by the Home Office and Department of Culture, Media and Sport. The introduction of the regulator is the central recommendation of a highly anticipated government white paper, titled Online Harms, published early Monday in the UK.

If it’s put in place and operated by the government,then it is anything but independent. Continue reading

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First, cowardice.

Dhimmitude will follow.

”Government pushing for Crusaders to change name
The end is nigh for the Crusaders’ name – and it’s being driven by the Prime Minister
(bold mine)

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Open House 4/6/19

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The real threat we face

“Hanification” and “Ayran Supremacy” – no difference.
Because Uighurs and Kazakhs are dying in the camps in considerable numbers, Beijing is building crematoria to eradicate burial traditions while disposing of corpses.
The only thing missing is the showers with Zyklon B
….Concentration camps, racism, eugenics, ambitions of world domination. Sound familiar?
There is a new Third Reich, and it is China.


Continue reading

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