Open house

A big bright moon, last night. (Wabbitsnap, click for full size)

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50 Responses to Open house

  1. mawm says:

    Talking of moons – Supermoon threat to Pacific atolls

    ..said the notion of full moons causing bizarre behaviour ranks among the top 10 myths because it’s widely held with much conviction………….like naming a natural phenomenon that has been happening since time immemorial as a threat to Kiribati, etc. :roll: I’m sure a bit of “foreign aid” will cure their problems. :rant

    • KG says:

      There is no problem on earth, Mawm, which can’t be fixed by the liberal (pun intended) application of white Western taxpayer’s money. :evil:

  2. oswald bastable says:

    An interesting story here- especially the rumour of a gold-backed ruble:

    • KG says:

      From your link, Oswald:
      ‘Escalating preparatory activities by the executive branch and DHS throughout the last decade—from the Patriot Act, to countless executive orders drafted to suspend (or strip) American civil liberties  “are just the beginning” of the nightmare to come, Hagmann said…’

      Looks ominous. And those of us who have been predicting this get ridiculed as “conspiracy nuts” or “doomsayers”…..
      Which is true–right up until the moment it becomes reality.

  3. KG says:

    Incompetence…or corruption? yet another dodgy Defence Dept buy:
    ‘Defence paper questions helicopter lifespans’

    And these choppers have more problems, not mentioned in this article.

  4. KG says:

    Heh! I just got this email:
    ‘An American military document just uncovered appears to detail an US Army plan that calls for detaining “political activists” at re-education camps staffed by military-hired “PSYOP officers” in both America and abroad.
    The website has unearthed the smoking gun, a copy of a United States military manual entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations, which appears to offer Defense Department insiders instructions on dealing with the imprisonment of anyone considered an enemy to the American way of life and how to go about indoctrination them with an “appreciation of US policies and actions” through psychological warfare.- From the Russian Times web site.’
    I have the manual in pdf if anybody wants a copy. It’s about 3mb

  5. KG says:

    Buying votes–with taxpayer’s money. Why the fuck should I fund this??
    ‘Gillard’s $820 Budget gift for every school kid’

    No, it’s NOT “Gillard’s budget gift”–it’s money stolen from taxpayers for a blatant political bribe.

  6. Lee S says:

    An interesting thing with these big moons is that they are the same size as normal, but it’s the human brain that perceives them as bigger – like the big yellow harvast moons.

    A good trick for kids – when the next oversized moon appears, measure it with something, e.g., by holding out a pin-hole in a piece of cardboard, then later when it’s back to it’s normal size in the sky you’ll find it measures the same. Really interesting phenomenom that shows that things really aren’t always what they seem to be. cheers Lee

    • KG says:

      Dunno, Lee–isn’t it much closer to Earth than usual? Something like 220,000 miles away? If so, that would certainly make it much bigger.

  7. Lee S says:

    Yes it can be closer but not enough to account for the (illusory) difference in size.

    Measure it sometime and see for yourself.

  8. KG says:

    :smile: I’ll take your word for it. Out here, the moon always seems much bigger and brighter than it does near the coast and the cities.

  9. Darin says:

    Amish kids suffer far less allergies-

    Who knew that going outside,working and playing in the dirt,eating food they grew themselves and raising animals would yield better results than letting them sit idle in front of the Xbox,drinking soda and eating Pop tarts all day :roll:

    • KG says:

      :shock: Amazing! simply amazing, it is. :lol:

    • mawm says:

      It’s eating dirt that is important. It ensures development of T-lymphocytes which are an important part of you immune system and needs to be done early in life. :mrgreen:

  10. KG says:

    Darin, there’s a local “show and shine” car show on here right now. I got a few pics of Aussie cars (Holdens and Ford 351GT) for you.
    Will mail them later today.

    • Darin says:

      Ahhh…good I need something to look at other than pipe fittings and bolts :popcorn

  11. The Gantt Guy says:

    Is the hopey-changey nonsense wearing off even for the chocolate messiah’s people? Surely they would have known to bus in SEIU thugs for something like this?

  12. WAKE UP says:

    Hey KG, you’re safe! :whoop Here’s something from today’s Sunday Star-Times :

    “An Australian researcher says we should stop freaking out about the supposed risks of marrying your cousin. In a new book, Perth academic Alan Bittles says 35 years of research show the health dangers when close relatives reproduce have been hugely overstated.. He said while “consangineous” marriage is largely taboo in the West, more than a billion people around the world have either married a close relly or have parents who did and they’re mainly fine. Where ill-health has been reported, it turns out it’s more often due to poverty than genetics.”

    These academic idiots NEVER get it. do they. It’s the dumb genetics that create the poverty (beginning with poverty of imagination). There’s a REASON it’s taboo in the West. A Google of Alan Bittles shows he’s concerned about offending Muslims too. Another traitor.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Riiiiight. And the incidence if birth defects being exponentially higher among British Pakistanis, who have a long and proud tradition of marrying their first cousin (and having their best goat for a mistress) is what? A blip? A statistical anomaly? :gunner :gunner :gunner :gunner :gunner :gunner

  13. KG says:

    I’m safe?? :wtf

    • WAKE UP says:

      Couldn’t help myself, sorry :roll:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I think Akey assumes all Aussies are really Tasmanian at heart!


      • KG says:

        And he’s from a country where the virgins could hold a national conference in a ‘phone booth…..

        • WAKE UP says:

          So could the ACT party right now :razz:

          • KG says:

            They could hold the conference together with Queensland Labor MPs, Wakey. That would crowd the booth just a little more…. ;-)

      • WAKE UP says:

        Did you hear about the backwoods gal who had seven sons all named Wayne? When they asked her how she managed to call the right one at any time she said “Simple – I use their surnames”. :lol:

  14. mawm says:

    The Greeks are revolting! :roll: Not really, but the conservative Independent Greeks Party have soared to 11% on popularity polls.

    Kammenos quit New Democracy in November last year, when its leader Antonis Samaras stopped opposing the country’s EU/IMF bailout and joined the ruling Socialists in a coalition government under technocrat Prime Minister Lucas Papademos.

    …He says the bailout is destroying Greece’s sovereignty, condemning it to become a powerless province in a “federalist” Europe he describes as a “Fourth Reich” dominated by Germany.

    To drive the point home, he launched his party from the remote village of Distomo, where German occupation forces killed more than 200 civilians in the Second World War. :gunner :gunner

  15. Katie says:

    Still overcast, still cloudy. Thanks for the lovely picture of the moon. The only way I’ll get to see it this year.


  16. KG says:

    It’s starting to be permanently sunny here, Katie–it’s the dry season. Not very exciting.

  17. mara says:

    KG, muddy snakes for half the year and dry ones for the rest? And all creeping up your argyles and plus fours whenever you step outside. No thanks. :shock:

    • KG says:

      :whoop It’s not like that, Mara. You’d be lucky to see a snake, even in long grass. Gecko has been looking for snakes to photograph, and so far, no luck.
      The wet season is hot, humid and wet. The dry season is just dry and sunny, with cold nights. And very few bugs.

  18. Darin says:

    “If I were the Devil”-Paul Harvey

  19. WAKE UP says:

    I heard on the radio this morning that some feminist collective or other had managed to have the Tui ad pulled because “it laughs at women”. NO IT DOESN’T — it laughs at the lengths that guys will go to to get a (Tui) beer. Spare me. And who are the wimps at Tui that caved in? :rant Who cares what them wimmin think about beer at all, let alone Tui in particular? :gunner

    The single most defining characteristic of strident feminists has been NO SENSE OF HUMOUR. (It’s actually also the the single most off-putting characteristic in any woman). :censor

  20. mara says:

    Wake Up, not all women are humourless cows. Really. Some of us are just a bit pissed off that the “pursed cats’ bum ” types became so prolific and caused some men to get a bit exercised. Then again, whose fault was it that men capitulated? No man I know, upon interrogation, is confused very much about this. :mrgreen: I take your point though. ;-)

    • WAKE UP says:

      Thanks Mara; here’s a li’l summary I trot out every now ‘n then:
      The biggest shibboleths of the wimmen’s “movement” were/are:
      * you can “have it all’
      * “having it all” is a good thing
      * men already “had/have it all”

      whereas the truth was/is:

      * you can’t have it all
      * it’s a dumb, unrealistic idea to expect it
      * men never did “have it all” – but the difference is, they KNEW that all along, and that’s why they have a sense of humour about it all.

  21. KG says:

    Are you pointedly ignoring the latest post, Mara? :grin:

  22. mara says:

    You are a mischief maker KG. No, I am not pointedly ignoring anything. As you know very well.

  23. KG says:

    :roll: who, me?

  24. Andrei says:

    From the DVD wot I got for my birthday from my boy – full screen and high volume to appreciate fully

  25. octagongrappler says:\\

    More migrants taking local jobs!! :wtf

  26. mara says:

    The European situation is interesting now. We see the politics of fear and a vote for a cuddle man who promises comfort instead of fiscal reality. Interesting but a bit scary. How will this affect NZ? Watching.