Francis Porretto: ‘The Julia Story’

‘…Social atomization — the displacement of interpersonal relations and fellow-feeling by State mediation and regulation — is essential to any totalitarian program. You cannot rule a nation if its citizens exhibit social solidarity; you must divide them and make them feel divided, isolated in their concerns and suspicious of one another, so that no unified body of resistance to your rule can arise. It’s also essential to any plan to introduce the State as surrogate protector-provider…’
He nails it.

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3 Responses to Francis Porretto: ‘The Julia Story’

  1. Darin says:

    I think someone should point out that what the SCOAMF is really saying here is women are to stupid and weak to make it through life unless the government helps them every step of the way.

    Yet another example of “Yes we can” that’s really “No you can’t,unless the government allows you to” :gunner :gunner

  2. Kris K says:

    Darin, I think the ‘we’ in “Yes we can” is actually the royal ‘we’, and doesn’t extend to those outside the Marxist ‘elite’.

    Of course the Left love to pretend to be ‘inclusive’ when in fact they only look after their own inner circle; and are by their very nature EXTREMELY EXCLUSIVE.

    But the useful idiots buy their lies …

    • Darin says:

      Yep,that’s why they are the PC crowd here,they have to categorize everybody and divide them into groups,usually turning them against each other.